Wednesday, May 28, 2008

At The Faire!!!!

Jackson and a fairy.
Sierra-Lynn and a goblin pet. He gave her this really cool piece of Unicorn blood (a U shaped piece of blown glass).
Does anyone see the pirates who own this ship?
My little princess.

Sorry it's taken so long to get back on here. This past month has gone by in a blur (most of which was spent trying to finish Sierra-Lynn's "princess" dress). I finally finished it at 11:45 p.m. the night before we went to the Ren. Faire. When then spent the day with everyone bowing to her and calling her "princess", she had so much fun, at least until I retweaked my ankle.

The kids did the King's quest, Sierra-Lynn became a princess of the realm and Jackson became a knight of the realm. I am posting a photo of Sierra-Lynn becoming a princess but was unable to get a photo of Jackson being knighted. They brought the sword down on both sides of his little head, it was so cute.

The day went great until we got home and my Uncle David was standing in Tori's driveway. I had no clue that he was even coming up. He is looking into finding a place to live and a job, because he has had it with Tennessee. So I guess it's okay that he is up here.
I just want to say thank-you to all of our troops, past and present. Stay tuned for more of our Memorial Day Weekend Fun.

Friday, May 9, 2008

She's Officially. . . .

A first grader. I wish you all could have made it. Here are some photos. I hope you enjoy them.
Getting her hair done.In her cap and gown. So very cute.

Reading "We Dig" to show off what she can do.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Mark's Got A Friend!!!

Mark made a friend and his name is RC. It's his first "friend" since we got married. RC has actually invited him up to his house to watch the ballgame and have a beer or not. Whether he will do it or not is undecided, but he got the invite.

Thursday, Sierra-Lynn has rehearsal for her Kindergarten graduation on Thursday, barring that she feels better. She has pneumonia in her right lung. She should be okay by then, if the antibiotics work.
She also finally had her investiture ceremony for Girl Scouts last week. So she is an official Girl Scout (it's about time).
Jackson is growing like a weed. We just went through his clothes and weeded out most of the 3-6 months clothes. He rolls all over the living room as well as military crawl. And he loves his car (it's the only big toy that he has that he can use). He can't use his bouncer anymore, he tried to tip it over the last time that he was put in it. The time before that, he almost climbed out of it while I was doing dishes. So cute!
