Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sierra-Lynn's New Glasses.

This has been quite a week. Mark, Sierra-Lynn and myself have all been sick. Mark and I just had a cold (nothing major), but Sierra-Lynn had strep so bad that she broke out in hives all over her body. Mark and I thought that she might have had chicken pox, thankfully she didn't. Jackson managed not to get sick, although I'm not sure how.

Speaking of Jackson, he has started pulling up on things. He is also obsessed with all things electrical, so I was forced to break out the baby proofing stuff so that he doesn't electrocute himself by eating surge protector. He is currently upset with Mark and me, we took his car exersaucer away from him (he dropped a toy and tried to get it, he almost hit the floor head first).

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Eye Appointment

Today we took the kids to have their eyes checked. Sierra-Lynn still needs glasses (she is near sighted like me), but her eyes have gotten better. Dr. Cruz told us that near sightedness doesn't usually get better, in all the years that he has been an eye specialist he has only seen 5 cases (she's the fifth).

Jackson, on the other hand, takes after daddy and has 20/20 vision. So, of course I feel bad about having his eye dilated, but oh well, better safe than sorry. He may, however, be allergic to eggs, I gave him some the other day and he threw up. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to deal with allergies with him.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Another Jackson First...

His first black eye.

Caused by this offensive toy, it is now in time out indefinitely.

He was playing with it last night and it fell over on top of him and hit his little eye. Mark wants to throw it out (I think it will just sit in his toy box for awhile).

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Happy Anniversary To:

I want to wish my loving sisters-in-law happy anniversary. I believe that Becky and Mike have been married 21 years as of July 11. Diana and Justin, on the 12th, will be celebrating 5 wonderful years.

Happy anniversary you guys, we all love you.

I also want to wish my "fuzz" (Jackson) a happy 7 month b-day. I can't believe that my baby is going to be 7 months old tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Jackson is still trying very hard to get his teeth, nothing yet. He is, however, crawling, everywhere. He was so cute yesterday crawling in the yard. And, of course, trying to eat the flowers. He can also sit up on his own, Mark had to lower his bed because the other morning Jackson was sitting up in the middle of his bed.

Sierra-Lynn gave us a little bit of a scare last night. We (Mark and I) were giving Jackson a bath and Sierra-Lynn comes in freaking out about losing a tooth. When she opened her mouth she still had all of her teeth, so we had no idea what she was talking about. Long story short, she has not lost a baby tooth, but gained a grown up molar (upper right). My little girl is getting so big.