Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I was thinking...

That since I have both a facebook and a myspace page that I would stop using this blog altogether, but I don't know.

Here is a quick up date on what's been going on:
Mark- even though he has a coaching on his record stores all over the country want him, including the O'Fallon store. Anyone know of any recently priced rental property in that area?

Sierra-Lynn- has three loose teeth and is still extremely annoying, but I love her all the same.

Jackson- has been to the allergist twice, he is not allergic to milk, but still can't have dairy. Ever time that he does he gets diarrhea, so he will be going to see the GI tomorrow. He is, however allergic to lobster and clams, not really a big deal, it just means that I can't have imitation crab I have to get the real stuff. ;)

Me- I have been writing again, I posted a sample on my myspace page if you want to check it out, I will be posting more soon. I also bought my very own set of Twilight books, now I don't have to wait for the library to get them in.