Saturday, August 16, 2008

Where Has 2008 Gone?

I love this picture.

He can move it backwards.

I was looking at the calendar and I can't believe that it is almost the end of August. Or that it is time to start thinking about what the kids are going to be for Halloween. Sierra-Lynn wants to be a penguin and Jackson is going to be a frog.

Thursday we went to see "Horton Hears a Who", it was so cute and I got some much needed one on one time with my little girl. Mark took Jackson and walked the mall. He did find out something that (if she is good) will be a nice bonus birthday present. Her favorite wrestler John Cena will be at the mall just a few short days before her birthday. If doesn't behave she doesn't get to go see him. Yes, I know I'm mean, don't care.

Jackson can now pull up on the furniture all by his self. And unlike some babies, he is not afraid to fall, he looks behind himself and flops down on his butt. Then he yells "bop!".

In educational news, Sierra-Lynn took her first round of tests today. She got four 100's and one 83 (English). Mark and I were thrown we she finished her math test in. . . are you sitting down? . . . 1 minute and 48 seconds (we gave her 30 minutes per test).

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