Saturday, February 24, 2007

Gym Night

Yes, I know that my life revolves around this little girl, but I just can't help it, I love her so much. I wanted to post some photos from Thursday night. I would have posted them yesterday, but I spent all day pampering Sierra's butt. I mean this literally. Right before we left the gym, she was running full speed towards the pompoms and her feet went out from under her and she went down hard on her rump. She says that it is still hurting, my poor baby. I know where she is coming from though, I can remember having a bad day (when I lived at my dad's). I got on the bus and wasn't really paying
attention to anything and I flopped down on a friend's text book. Oh my God that hurt, so my heart goes out to her.

Last night we watched WWE's Smackdown and let me tell you, Sierra is now very upset that we are not in the car headed to St. Louis Mills Mall (it is being invaded by WWE superstars). We told her that we might go next year, but I don't think that is what she wants to hear. She only wants to go so that she can see John Cena up close and personal (he's not even going to be there so she won't miss anything), but she is 4 and wants instant gratification. What am I going to do with her?
I really should be asking what am I going to do with Mark. He gets want he has been wanting ever since he left Securitas and he turns it down. I just think that it must be nice to be a man, you can &^%*^ about something, get it, and walk away from it and no one even bats an eye. Don't let a woman do that though. If a woman does the same thing people call her an airhead. How is that fair?
Oh well, in 2 years when he can enter the assistant manager program and then the company will pay for us to move (who knows maybe to a place near you J).

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Anyone who knows me well, knows that this little girl is my life. She is sweet (most of the time), loving and compassionate (and a John Cena fan, her and I both think that he has beautiful eyes). In my experience that is hard to find in a child, but she manages it. She is currently in the living room (probably trashing it) with her friend Mia, Mark is going to be so mad, he just cleaned it yesterday. You heard right, he cleaned it and the kitchen and I didn't even have to ask him to do it. Here are some current photos of the sweetest little girl in the whole world.

Here she is showing off her Valentines dress.

Dancing with Daddy (my blue eyed babies).

Just being her goofy little self while going through her clothes.

Man life was so much easier when I only had to do this blog. For some unknown reason I would rather tell the world about my life than do that and help people to became the healthy people that they were born to be. My reason, doing both takes so much time, then I also have my house work, taking care of Sierra-Lynn (as well as Mark), and trying to find the time for me, then there is the typing and the sewing and the laundry (to steal a line from Cinderella).

Speaking of movies- I have actually seen a good one. After all of the terribly bad horror flicks of last year. I had to switch genres, for the time being Mark and I are giving up on horror movies (its not like any of them are scary anyway). Back to good movies, "Cinderella 3" is incredibly cute. Although at the beginning you want to shoot her for having such a perfectly perfect year. When the step family gets a hold of the wand things get funny and you start to feel sorry for Lucifer. He gets turned into a duck with the head of a cat, a jack in the box and gets shrunk (there is more, but I thought that I would save some for you to find out yourself). It is sort of predictable in the Disney since that it has a happy ending, but sometimes you need one of those.

Another kick butt movie, and this time in the literal since I give you "The Marine" starring that blue eyed honey John Cena (sorry just a tad partial). This movie gives you tons of action and lots of stuff going boom. I love it more every time that I watch it, it also gives me my Cena fix between WWE events. God help me I think that I need rehab for this addiction.

If you are looking for something that is a little else explosive and a little more on the light side, you could try "Man of the Year" with Robin Williams. Although it does lack for the comedy that you are used to with him, some parts are down right dry. All in all, not a bad flick to watch with your kids. Who in the world (other than Robin Williams) would walk away from being president?

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Sierra-Lynn's Play Date

I have to say that I am sorry that it has taken so long to get this to you. I have been recouping from the 5 1/2 hour play date. I don't do Valentine's, but Sierra still likes it so I thought that I would be a nice mommy and let her have some friends over, two of them couldn't make it (the person bringing them was in the hospital). Four of the children did show up and three of those stayed for a full 5 1/2 hours, so needless to say I have been a little on the tired side for the last couple of days.

Anyway, I promised pictures and here they are.

Here we have Jacob, Sierra-Lynn, Mia and Christian making a mess of Sierra's room.

Next, we find little Hannah (not the cousin) eating our "striped delight" dessert.

And lastly, we have Sierra, Christian and Mia playing either cars, barbies or kitchen center (not sure what).

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Some People

Sorry that I have been away, I has been a REALLY messed up week. Let me just say that I will be soooooooo glad when this month is over that I will probably party for a week.

I know that I shouldn't harp on things, but when it comes to being a mom and not having a mom, its hard. It has now been 14 years and 5 days since my mom passed away and it is still so hard to make it through this week of the year (her birthday is Friday 2 days from now). Sierra-Lynn makes it easier (some days). In about an hour my house will be filling up with children. I have yet to make Sierra-Lynn hate today as much as I do (maybe someday). ;) Any who, we are having a Valentine's luncheon/play date. I will post photos tomorrow (hopefully).

Back to the title of this posting "Some People". Sometime this week Mark and I have to go up to the court house and get a restraining order against one of our neighbors. I had hoped that it wouldn't come to that, but I was wrong. Let's go back in time to just before Halloween of 2006. Sierra-Lynn and I had made friends with Mindy. I thought that (if nothing else) she could be a "grand mother" figure for Sierra-Lynn, and everything was fine until Halloween came around. She had carved her pumpkin (which was a really cute face that she did free hand). I made one small comment about the moon and star that she put on the sides of the face (they were bigger than the face). I asked her if she thought that she could have gotten them any bigger. Now take into consideration that I was smiling and had a laugh to my voice.

Things were fine (or so I thought), until later that night. She called my house and started cursing Mark out. He told her that she needed to talk to me if she had a problem with me. So image the scene the next day. She comes over and almost breaks my back door down, I answer only to be verbally assaulted. She used every 4 letter word in the book and she did it in front of my (at the time) 3 year old. Mark and I made the decision that night that we didn't want her around Sierra anymore. Which worked out fine, until Sunday.

We went to Wal-Mart and there she was. I did my best to avoid her, but I failed miserably. She started talking to Sierra like I wasn't there and like everything was fine between us. I still didn't want her talking to my baby, so I said that I would appreciate it if she would not talk to my child. Now anyone else would have said fine, whatever and walked away, but not Mindy. Granted she walked away, but she came back. She got in my face. She pointed her boney finger at me and she told me that I shouldn't have done that (twice). She then said "Your husband works here. He talks to me all the time. You had better watch out. You shouldn't have done that." Then she called me a Bitch. Before we leave the store, she runs into to Mark, the poor guy had went to get shaving creme and didn't see it coming. She told him that his wife was a bitch and that we would regret telling her not to talk to Sierra and she threatened his job. She even called and talked to management trying to get him fired. All of this because we don't want her to talk to our kid.

And to make matters worse, one of the co-managers (I won't name names) told Mark that if we don't get a restraining order, he could lose his job. Now ain't that a bitch?

Monday, February 5, 2007

Home Sweet Home

Speaking of now, here is a photo of the view from the window in my front door. Sierra-Lynn is thrilled. What can I say she loves snow? I am glad that one of us does. I would prefer a sunny 70 degree day with minimal breeze, but hey that's just me.

This week has been kind of slow. The only thing to happen is Mark being sick. Okay, not just Mark, I have not felt the best either. Yesterday, I felt like my head was going to explode. I was also so tired that I probably could have slept all day (if there would have been someone to take care of Sierra-Lynn). She was also very sad yesterday. She wanted one of her friends to come over on Saturday, but none of them were home and the one she really wants to play with (Lexi) moved and left no forward address or phone number. I called everyone of her friends and no one was home. The result is that my sweet baby thinks that no one loves her. Today while watching "Cinderella", I looked over at her and, boy was I surprised to see her sucking her thumb. She is 4 years old and I have never seen her suck her thumb. I thought that that was something that started when they were little, but apparently it can also be brought on by feeling abandoned by friends.