Yes, I know that my life revolves around this little girl, but I just can't help it, I love her so much. I wanted to post some photos from Thursday night. I would have posted them yesterday, but I spent all day pampering Sierra's butt. I mean this literally. Right before we left the gym, she was running full speed towards the pompoms and her feet went out from under her and she went down hard on her rump. She says that it is still hurting, my poor baby. I know where she is coming from though, I can remember having a bad day (when I lived at my dad's). I got on the bus and wasn't really paying
attention to anything and I flopped down on a
Last night we watched WWE's Smackdown and let me tell you, Sierra is now very upset that we are not in the car headed to St. Louis Mills Mall (it is being invaded by WWE superstars). We told her that we might go next year, but I don't think that is what she wants to hear. She only wants to go so that she can see John Cena up close and personal (he's not even going to be there so she won't miss anything), but she is 4 and wants instant gratification. What am I going to do with her
I really should be asking what am I going to do with Mark. He gets want he has been wanting ever since he left Securitas and he turns it down. I just think that it must be nice to be a man, you can &^%*^ about something, get it, and walk away from it and no one even bats an eye. Don't let a woman do that though. If a woman does the same thing people call her an airhead. How is that fair?
Oh well, in 2 years when he can enter the assistant manager program and then the company will pay for us to move (who knows maybe to a place near you J).