Monday, March 26, 2007
Kids.....You Can't Live With
I love you to pieces, but sometimes she just drives me crazy.
She is finally silent, so maybe she decided to stop fighting (either that or she is thinking up some other excuse to get out of bed, so far it has been "I need a hug.").
In other news, I have been getting emails from a guy that I used to go to school with. And for the life of me I have one idea who he is. I feel absolutely horrible about it. And I wonder just how many people out there are trying to find me (because they had a crush on me, or because I touched their lives in a positive way) and when/or if they find me it leaves me scratching my head, not knowing who they are. My friend Juli, as well as my husband, thinks that this is funny, I fail to find the humor, but maybe someday I will. One thing that is funny is the fact that after all this time the guy looks exactly the same now as he did in the 8th grade.
Looking back at what others were like is very easy, but have you ever tried to picture yourself (not physically) when you were in school? Were you a bully? Were you superficial? That kind of thing. I have, and let me tell you, its not easy. I remember trying to hide my home life (and my bruises) and for the most part being successful, unless you count in Juli. She seemed to know everything that happened at home, even without me telling her. She even knew about a crush that I had on a classmate, one Zach Johnson. For the life of me, when I went to Webb City High, I thought that Landon Rose was the guy that I liked, well except for the girlfriend, a cheerleader. Then a week or so after I moved, came to realize that I liked Zach, but somehow Juli knew. People like her are unforgettable, if you have someone like her in your life, please let them know how much you care about them and are thankful to have them in your life. These people are true friends and trust me they are hard to find and should be treasured always.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
No Body Loves Me
Wait, I did get a visit from Delaney, she spent most of it grading papers. I spent most of it trying to keep the girls from destroying the house. She told me that her sister, another of my friends, moved. That's right, Tegin, up and moved. No email, no call, nothing, she just bought a house and moved in like 2 weeks. The last time that I had talked to her, they were not going to be able to move for a few years, because they didn't have the credit rating for it. Whatever.
Mark has been working nonstop (or at least it seems that way). We even got into a fight about it. They have cut out the overtime (for now), so that they can get there bonuses. Yet he still leaves 30 minutes before he has to be there, is only home 15 minutes of his 60 minute lunch break and takes anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes to get home. Now I know what you are thinking, it takes time to get back and forth from work, normally I would agree. The thing is, we only live like 2 miles from his job, so there is no excuse for it to take that long. He is forever saying that I have a boyfriend, so I told him that he needs to stop spending so much time with his girlfriend. He took the offensive, so I don't know. I was just upset last night, he never seems to want to spend time with me, unless its in the bedroom and then he gets upset when all I want to do is sleep.
Ok, so maybe this week wasn't so boring after all.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
God Love The Extended Weekend
Sunday, was a little less eventful. We took a small road trip to Washington, MO, to check out the new super center that just opened, and had a picnic lunch at Krog Park. Lunch was cut short by an unexpected arrival, a bee. A few years before I met Mark he was attacked by bees/hornets/whatever and stung over 100 times. He now is more afraid of them than they are of him, which he openly displays in front of Sierra, making her panic when they are around. Lucky me.
Yesterday, Sierra and I spent much of the day outside (after getting up at 8 am). We meet some new neighbors, maybe in a few weeks when Debbie goes back to work, I'll get to babysit her two boys and have some extra money. That would be soooo nice. Speaking of nice, when Mark came home from work yesterday he brought Sierra home a John Cena action figure. Now picture this if you will. He is 6 foot 3 and she is somewhere between 40 and 41 inches tall. He gives her the toy and she leaps (from the ground) into his arms, in one leap, with him standing up. She then starts covering him with kisses and almost makes he pass out from squeezing him so hard.
Today, she has of course decided that she is going to be a royal pain in the @&& (rubbing milk into my table, spitting milk on herself, kicking/kneeing/and licking the wall after being put in the corner). She hasn't even got to see WWE Raw from last night yet. Speaking of, did you watch it Jules. The Rock was on it. For all of you that missed it, the Rock gave the English translation of Umaga's name, it means "shriveled monkey penis".
Sunday, March 4, 2007
My sewing machine is finally working the way that it is supposed to. For the last month, it has given me nothing but problems. We even went out and bought a new one, but I didn't really like it and it now lives back at Wal-Mart. We do, however have a brand new 32 inch TV. I love it. It is HD ready and so much bigger than our old 19 inch that I have had since I lived in Tennessee.
I know that the real reason why anyone reads this is for updates on Miss Sierra, so here you go. For the last week my sweet little baby has had a cold. She spent two straight days just laying on the couch or curled up on my lap (two things that she never does). She still has a runny nose, but she is back to her old mischievous self, never shuts up self.
She is more obsessed with John Cena than I am. She can see him on TV for a second and her little heart starts beating twice as fast as it does normally. She also as a photo of him hanging on her door, and (I kid you not) has to kiss it before she goes to bed at night. Last night I forgot to let her give it a kiss and she started throwing a fit and refused to go to sleep until the kiss was given. Lord only knows how she is going to react tonight when he and three other WWE Superstars appear on "Deal or no deal".