Wednesday, March 21, 2007

No Body Loves Me

Well some people do, but still. This week has been sooooooooo boring. It seems like all I have done is clean (and type recipes).
Wait, I did get a visit from Delaney, she spent most of it grading papers. I spent most of it trying to keep the girls from destroying the house. She told me that her sister, another of my friends, moved. That's right, Tegin, up and moved. No email, no call, nothing, she just bought a house and moved in like 2 weeks. The last time that I had talked to her, they were not going to be able to move for a few years, because they didn't have the credit rating for it. Whatever.
Mark has been working nonstop (or at least it seems that way). We even got into a fight about it. They have cut out the overtime (for now), so that they can get there bonuses. Yet he still leaves 30 minutes before he has to be there, is only home 15 minutes of his 60 minute lunch break and takes anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes to get home. Now I know what you are thinking, it takes time to get back and forth from work, normally I would agree. The thing is, we only live like 2 miles from his job, so there is no excuse for it to take that long. He is forever saying that I have a boyfriend, so I told him that he needs to stop spending so much time with his girlfriend. He took the offensive, so I don't know. I was just upset last night, he never seems to want to spend time with me, unless its in the bedroom and then he gets upset when all I want to do is sleep.
Ok, so maybe this week wasn't so boring after all.


Juli said...

Juli Loves you!!! I know what you mean about the boys working all the time--it gets OLD. If you need to talk let me know.

Buffie said...

I should be okay. I just needed to vent. After our little spat, he has been doing better. Last night we cuddled on the couch and he is considering doing things that I would like to do, instead of immediately saying no. Now if I can just get him to go to church the next time he gets a Sunday off.
Any ideas?

Anonymous said...

I wish I did--I got Jeremy there once and he has yet to go back. AND he even liked it. We just have to keep praying that God will put that conviction on their hearts.