Friday, May 18, 2007

I Know, I Know

I am well aware that it has been forever and a day since I last blogged, but I have been waiting (rather impatiently, if I do say so myself) for a phone call. It’s not just any phone call though; it’s one that will tell Mark and me how much we will have to pay per month to send Sierra-Lynn to preschool in the fall. For the record, I am still waiting for this call and school gets out on Tuesday the twenty second. I also think that it is ridiculous that we have to pay to send her, in the next town over preschool is in the elementary school and the kids get to ride the bus and it doesn’t cost anything, but whatever. Mark made a decision when he got home that Sierra will not be going to preschool, we will do it ourselves. I think that we can too.
Mother’s Day
My mother’s Day was a blur of house work (dishes, laundry, and cleaning up after both Mark and Sierra-Lynn), after which Sierra-Lynn and I went outside and enjoyed the beautiful cool day (while trying to teach her to read). She decided that she wanted to be the one that was doing the writing and did this. As you can see she got her hair cut (I did too). Mark even did something unexpected, he let Sierra sign her card to me, I cried. Not bad for someone who hasn’t been to preschool yet, huh? (Will post photo later.)
The Saturday before Mother’s Day, we went to a birthday party for Sierra-Lynn’s friend Lexi. Sierra now has two lizards (I would take a photo, but they won’t stay still long enough). Their names are Joey and Cena (after John Cena, as if you couldn’t tell). Cena loves to dig; in fact it spent all of Thursday digging in one corner of the aquarium.
The Bennett Family is going to grow
For those of you who didn’t know, I have been extremely sick for about the last month. I would get up in the morning and just feel lousy. All I wanted to do was sleep (who am I kidding, that’s still all I want to do), certain foods make me nauseous and I can’t go in Deals without running to the bathroom (from all the smells). On the sixteenth, we found out (officially) that I am going to have a baby. We can expect her sometime in December. No, I have not been to the doctor yet, but I know in my heart that it’s a girl. Sierra couldn’t be more excited, she has already chosen a nickname for the baby (since Papa is not her to do it) and the name that she chose is… Pumpkin Pie. Isn’t that cute? She is P-Jink and her cousin Hannah is Peanut so she said that the baby’s nickname needed to start with a P as well. Speaking of her cousin, is she not one of the cutest little girls ever?
Turning now towards some older members of the family, I want to congratulate both my nephew Zach and my little brother Joey. They are both graduating from high school in the next week (not that I will see either of them receive their diploma), and (from what I hear) both will be attending a technical school in the fall, just not the same one. Knowing what I do about Zach’s Mom and Dad, I knew that he would either go to a tech school or join the military (I was leaning more toward the tech school as he is a Marine brat), but I am proud of him none the less. Joey, on the other hand, was a shock. Not that he would graduate (although I did have my doubts), but that he would go to school after graduation. He did not have the best up bringing (losing Mom at the age of 3, being sent to live with a drug addict (a druggie slut for lack of a better term) and never having a positive male role model in is life), I wish him all the best in life and maybe someday he will realize that I love him and miss him and he will look be up. If not, I guess there is really nothing that I can do, except pray that he will realize that Missie did not always tell the truth.
Well, I have to go. Now I have to type up a statement for a lawyer. I told Heather and Jac that I would help them out, so that they can get full custody of Jakob, since Shauna threatened to kill him and doesn’t really want to be a mom. Oh well, it’s her loss.

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