Wednesday, November 21, 2007

3 Cribs And A Klutz

Monday afternoon, Mark and I put together crib number three for our little "gremlin". Back in August, Dee Dee found us this beautiful wooden spindle crib that everyone loved. It was missing the pieces that hold the sliding side up, as it was, when you raised them, they just fell to the floor.
Crib number two was a loaner from my friend Tori, she had used it through all three of her kids (her oldest is nine). Dee Dee didn't care for it because it was white and metal. I was just happy to have a bed for my little man to sleep in. I do have to say that it was not such a bad idea that she didn't like it. When we got crib number three, a Christmas gift from Aunt Becky, we took #2 down and one of the short sides was starting to come apart.
I love the new bed, when you walk into his room, you can actually see it (we have white walls and doors and can't paint). It also has a rolling drawer for under the bed and a musical crib light.
A part of me can't wait for him to get here, another part of me says that we can wait until his due date. The reason, I am a klutz. Just a few short hours after we got his bed put together, I went in to take a shower and fell to the floor, but not before I managed to almost break my left foot and hit my stomach on the side of the bath tub. On the plus side, Jackson is doing fine. I spent all day yesterday in the hospital with a fetal heart monitor on to make sure. They also did another ultrasound to make sure that there was nothing wrong internally with little man. He was and is perfectly fine and most definitely a boy. (Thank God, now I don't have to hurt the tech.) He is head down and kicking and punching me as I type this.
As for me, if I can find an orthopedic doctor/surgeon to look at my foot (that will except my insurance), I'll know what I did to it. If not, then I will do the same thing that I did when it was ran over by a car when I was eleven, absolutely nothing and I'll never know. I did take off the wrapping that they put on it at the hospital (for all of 5 minutes) just to let it air out. From the ankle joint to a point about half way to my toes has a slightly black [more of a smokey gray] coloring to it and it only hurts if I move my big toe up. So I'm thinking that it is going to be okay, I just need to take it easy for awhile and let it heal. Is that possible with a 5 year old running around?????????? We will see.
Happy Turkey Day (and blitz shopping day) everyone. For those of you braving the crowds this year, shop with me in your heart, as sadly I will not be able to go this year due to the injury.

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