Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Happy Birthday, P-Jink

I am just now starting to recoup from this weekend (and yesterday).
Miss Sierra-Lynn had so much fun at her party, she didn't even care that Ella wasn't there, in fact she never even mentioned her. I do think that it was pretty screwed up that Delaney is being the way that she is, but I can't control the actions of others. She was a little upset that she didn't get to go to the movie theater, but she had fun playing with her cousin and two very good friends that are like cousins.
She got the game that she has been wanting for months, "Let's go fishing" (from Aunt Becky and Uncle Mike. Let me tell you, she is very good. She beat Mark bad and she also beat me (by 1). Along with the game, she got 5 dollars (from Tori, Christain, Jacob and Mia), two Berenstain Bears books (from Hannah), a Care Bears movie (from Aunt Dee Dee and Uncle Justin), and a bunch of stuff from me and Big Dog Daddy including a Girl Scout necklace, a magnetic doodle pad and some clothes that I made.
Her cake was a chocolate angel food cake with chocolate mousse frosting. In the words of Rachael Ray "yum-o". She even got to help me make it, that (to me) was the best part. This was also the first year that she didn't freak out when "happy birthday" was sang.
(the site is currently not letting me add photos right now, so check back for them)
As for "Doctor Day", Jackson is doing great. I, on the other hand, pulled my groin muscle, so waking is a chore and coming up our stairs is very challenging. Today I almost fell down them (all 8 of them) coming back from the store. Sierra-Lynn checked out fine at her doctor's appointment, her iron is back up where it needs to be. All we are waiting for is her lead test, if we don't hear from them then she is fine. If we do, you'll hear about it.
We didn't have the investiture ceremony last night, because of the monthly leader meeting, so that will be in two weeks. Sierra-Lynn did surprise me by getting up in front of all (12 or so girls) that were there along with all of the parents and saying the Girl Scout Promise. I was so proud of her (I would have freaked out).
'Til next time.

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