Friday, February 15, 2008

Little Man's Checkup!

Yesterday was Jackson's doctor appointment (and shots). He is 24 1/4 inches tall, 12 lbs 8 oz and sweet as can be. Do you want more good news? Last night he went to bed around 9:45 and slept until about 4:45 this morning. So my little fuzz slept threw the night for the first time, I'm so happy. Today, he had another first, while we were at the mattress store getting our new bed (ours has a hole all the way threw it directly under me, I've dealt with it for the last 6 months), Jackson blew bubbles. I will post photos whenever this stupid thing lets me.

Sierra-Lynn is getting better about keeping things out of her mouth that don't belong there, with the exception of her foot (she has got a smart ass mouth lately). The other day, I was on the phone with our park manager (our water was acting up). Any who, she goes in the bathroom, turns on the water and comes back into the living room with her hands on her hips. She says to me, "Mom, the water is working so hang up the phone, we don't need them down here."

She is also a big help, even when I don't need it. She gets diapers, clothes, tries to make bottles, you name she has done or tried to help do. Sometimes it can be too much though, today while she was helping, we cracked our heads together. She was not fazed, I am still hurting. Can someone explain why kids have such tough skulls and parents end up with hurt ones?

I hope that everyone's week was better than mine. Now, don't get me wrong, for the most part my week was great. I just REALLY REALLY miss my mom, as well as Bob and Gloria. Tomorrow was (is, whatever) my mom's birthday. It is so hard to believe that it has been 15 years since she pass away, it seems like it was yesterday. I not only miss her for me, but for Sierra-Lynn and Jackson, it's not right that they get stuck with a dick weed for a grandfather, while the three grandparents that loved them (or would have if they would have gotten to meet them) are gone. Sierra-Lynn started crying yesterday because she misses her Nana and Papa, I just kept thinking that Jackson will never know them. All the while, my jerk faced sperm donor sits on his ass in Alba, MO, and doesn't even call or email (unless I email and threaten to have the police do a wellness visit to his home). Why????????????

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