Saturday, February 2, 2008

Stress Level Going Up!?!

I don't know what more I can do with Miss Sierra-Lynn. Mark took her outside to play in the snow for about an hour yesterday (both of them had a blast). I've been letting her help me make dinner, she loves helping me bake and gets excited when I let her help cook. On top of that we have been spending more time a night (plus during the day) reading. We were able to find the kitchen table today, and she was told that after she took a nap (she has been getting up in the middle of the night), that mommy was going to take her outside and then we were going to play a board game of her choice.
And what does she do today, when everyone else was resting? She gets into Mark's aftershave. Not only did she get it all over herself and make the bathroom smell like a brothel, but she also drank some of it. I wanted to beat her and love her at the same time. I was so worried. Thankfully the remedy was a peanut butter sandwich and a glass of milk, along with 24 hours of nothing to drink but milk. I am very grateful that she is ok, I don't know what I would do if I lost her, Mark or Jackson, for they are my life. I just wish that I could get Sierra-Lynn to understand that. She thinks that we love Jackson more because we have to spend a lot of time with him, we don't but get that through the thick head of a five year old that also happens to be a Bennett (stubborn as all get out).


Anonymous said...

I think you are doing a fine job of balancing--so no stressing. Make one day a week where it's all about Sierra and mark can alternate watching Mr Jackson. And then find someone very trustworthy to babysit one night and the three of you go out to dinner. She will love it! And of course, don't forget a date night for just the two of you!!! The pics of Sierra Lynn and Jackson are sooo stinking cute! I love them!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence. It's nice to hear that you are doing a good job. Mark and I do have plans of taking her to Build a Bear once we get our income taxes in. Mr. Jackson will be with Aunt Dee Dee, if she is still willing to watch him (if she's not to overwhelmed with her daycare kids that is). As for a "date night", the last time that Mark and I had one was. . . . over five years ago. I don't think that I would even know what to do without having to tell Sierra-Lynn to sit still and be quite every five minutes. ;)
Mark and I are lucky if we get 2 hours a week to ourselves (together), and time to ourselves (alone), forget it. I take that back, I was able to go for a 1 mile walk yesterday. I wanted one today, but it was raining and rain is forcasted for tomorrow. I can't wait til spring gets here and I can take the kids outside.