Friday, August 29, 2008

Here We Go Again. . .

In 3 hours I will be sitting in a parents meeting for Girl Scouts. Oh the thrill of it. I don't know if you remember what scouts was like for me last year, but I was about to hurt someone (a higher up). I got so stressed by all of it, that I almost lost Jackson, so needless to say I am sooooooooo not looking forward to it this year, but Sierra-Lynn wants to do it again this year. We will try it, and if the adults can't grow up, we walk. Who knows, maybe we will try Clover Kids (4H).

Today, we declared it hair cut day. Sierra-Lynn now has a shoulder length cut with layers. She got a "Camp Rock/Hannah Montana" poster (happy happy joy joy). I just got rid of my split ends. We even tried to trim Jackson around the ears, she lady wouldn't cut it short enough. His hair keeps bugging his ears and he has ended up getting little sores in his ears from clawing himself. I don't do well with blood coming from my little man's ears. He was cute though, the lady let him hold the clippers and he wouldn't let them go. When she tried to take them he just smiled at her.

Due to lack of rain (and me not watering the pumpkins enough), we lost the smallest pumpkin.

1 comment:

Juli said...

Oh Lord, the crazy girl scouts---remember to count to ten and breathe! I need haircut pictures!!! I bet they both look adorable!