Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Longest Week Of My Life!!!!!!

Welcome all to my week of hell (that won't quit). Other than Mark being home, and no longer having to worry about Girl Scouts everything sucked a big one.

Jan. 3/Jan. 4 overnight: Jackson wakes up vomiting everywhere. Won't wake up. Call 911. By the time the paramedics arrive, he is running around the living room.

Jan. 4 between 4 and 5 o'clock p.m.: Mark goes to wake up Sierra-Lynn, finds her with a toy down her pants. After questioning her for a few minutes she tells us that a friend of hers named Christain touched her in her private area. Yet another 911 call.

Jan. 5: a trip to the doctor's office to make sure that Sierra-Lynn was okay, and found out that what Christain did happened at least twice. The doctor laid her down to check her tummy and she went ballistic, we had to get a female doctor to finish up. Texted David (he is no longer family), to thank him for making a choice. He responds with "what was I supposed to do abandon Tori and the kids?" What an ass.

Jan. 6 midnight: I roll over and find Sierra-Lynn standing right next to my bed. She had thrown up all over her bed. She had already removed her blanket and top sheet. Her pillow sham I made her when she was 3 and her fitted sheet went into the trash (the puddle was at least 1 foot by 2 foot). Later, took Sierra-Lynn to talk with a woman from the juvenile office. She spent the entire time on my lap, that girl has a bony rear end.

Jan. 7: At breakfast, Sierra-Lynn told us that the reason she didn't tell us sooner was because Christain threatened to kill her if she told anyone. Made and had an appointment with a family counselor. Sierra-Lynn said that she liked her, but wasn't ready to talk. I called my dad in tears and told him what had happened. He showed real emotion for the first time that I can remember. Told my little brother, he was furious.

Jan. 8: My sister Kim's birthday. Texted her to wish her a happy birthday. Jackson got his seventh tooth (lower right hand side). Mark went to take a movie back to the video store. The starter went out in the car, and the van wouldn't start.

Jan. 9: Got a ride with my friend Brandy to co-op. The car was ready by lunch time, but Mark had Jackson stay at co-op (he usually went home to take a nap). Found out that the starter in the van is also crap (it gets fixed when taxes come in).

Jan. 9/Jan. 10 overnight: Jackson woke up with a poopy diaper, I changed it and went back to bed. 20 minutes later, he pooped again, it looked like it had blood in it. One more call to 911, this time complete with a trip to the hospital. It wasn't blood, it may have had something to do with him being sick and not able to process the red jello he had with dinner. That kid is never getting jello again (I don't care what color).

There is my week in a nutshell. (Notice that no where do I mention sleep, I have forgotten what that is.)

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