Sunday, January 25, 2009

A much calmer week.

Even though we took Jackson to see an allergist and had a counseling session all in the same day, this week has been relatively calm. I'm loving every minute of it, even the ones that have been filled with Jackson crying/screaming/whatever you want to call it.

Sierra-Lynn has done a lot of growing up this week. She has her very first loose tooth (don't say anything to her Dee Dee, she is going to write Hannah and tell her), she learned how to try her shoes, and at lunch just today she put the straw in her Capri Sun all by herself. See, I'm letting her do more for herself and she can do it.

Jackson (is driving me crazy) is not allergic to milk, thank God, so I get to take him to another doctor to find out what is wrong with him. I will only put this once, but I should have listened to Dee Dee and taken him to a tummy doctor first. Oh well, now she can say I told you so.

I worked on another of my resolutions today, Sierra-Lynn and I were having school and I looked out the window at the snow falling and I got inspired. So, I grabbed some paper and a pen and wrote a page and a half. That's more than I have written in forever, I'm so happy.

Well Jackson is up screaming, the fuzz butt won't sleep, so til next time. God bless.

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