Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I'm back.....

For the time being. No promises has to how long it will last.

Since the last time I blogged my hubby injured his back. We go tomorrow to the doctor to see what he is going to do. So far all they have done is give him medicine. We are hoping that the doctor is going to fill out disability paperwork, or at the very least send him for a test, they haven't done one since May 29.

I know that it has gotten worse, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. His legs and arms go numb more and more. The longer this is drug out the grumpier he gets. And yesterday, his leg started doing that foot popping thing all by itself. He said it felt like his leg was in a wringer. I feel like such a useless waste since I can't do anything for him.

I have also started actual writing again. It is very relaxing, if only I could remember to do it everyday. Hahaha.

We also ended our 3rd week of second grade. I love homeschooling, its so freeing. It makes me feel like I'm contributing to, not only her education but her life in away that most parents can only dream about. That's not to say that I think everyone should homeschool their children. I know some people that could, but don't, it doesn't work with their lives and that is fine. I know many people that do and the bond they have with their kids is incredible. I also know people that homeschool that shouldn't, their children spend much of the day parked in front of the television. Then there are those that I am friends with that send their children to public school, and that is where their kids belong. Those parents don't have the patience or energy to teach a dog where to go potty. Education is the most important gift we can give our children and I can only say what is best for my children, not yours.

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