Monday, September 28, 2009

Another Screwed Up Monday...

I am not usually one to complain about Mondays, but when they start before the sun comes up, you just know that they will be bad.

Today we had our second visit with Dr. Williams. He has got to be the biggest ego-maniac on the planet. Either that or he thinks everyone else is stupid. It took just about everything I had not to lay into him, it helped that I was holding Jackson and he was sleeping. The nerve of this guy. He kept on saying that Mark was fine and that he only thought he was hurt because of the doctors. WRONG!!! He was in mass amounts of pain before he ever went to see a damn doctor. Plus he still has numbness.

Unfortunately the numbness is slowly taking over his whole body. I asked Williams what the name of the test was, the one where you poke someone with a pin or needle. Never did get an answer, but he preformed it. Before Mark only had numbness in the lower half of his legs and from his elbows to his hands, now its everything from the top of his tummy to his feet. Williams actually seemed concerned about this. Like the other doctors, he questioned what was causing the problems in Mark's arms.

That is a good question. A question whose only answer can be that there is something wrong. Something that the doctors have yet to find because they were to focused on the spine issue that supposedly isn't there. Or maybe everything IS due to the compressed spinal cord that workman's comp has paid to make "disappear". No matter what a doctor tells you they are all just people and we are all flawed. Some, if not all of them, can be bought. Ethics is fast becoming the next Urban Legend.

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