Here she is showing off her Valentines dress.
Dancing with Daddy (my blue eyed babies).
Just being her goofy little self while going through her clothes.
Man life was so much easier when I only had to do this blog. For some unknown reason I would rather tell the world about my life than do that and help people to became the healthy people that they were born to be. My reason, doing both takes so much time, then I also have my house work, taking care of Sierra-Lynn (as well as Mark), and trying to find the time for me, then there is the typing and the sewing and the laundry (to steal a line from Cinderella).
Speaking of movies- I have actually seen a good one. After all of the terribly bad horror flicks of last year. I had to switch genres, for the time being Mark and I are giving up on horror movies (its not like any of them are scary anyway). Back to good movies, "Cinderella 3" is incredibly cute. Although at the beginning you want to shoot her for having such a perfectly perfect year. When the step family gets a hold of the wand things get funny and you start to feel sorry for Lucifer. He gets turned into a duck with the head of a cat, a jack in the box and gets shrunk (there is more, but I thought that I would save some for you to find out yourself). It is sort of predictable in the Disney since that it has a happy ending, but sometimes you need one of those.
Another kick butt movie, and this time in the literal since I give you "The Marine" starring that blue eyed honey John Cena (sorry just a tad partial). This movie gives you tons of action and lots of stuff going boom. I love it more every time that I watch it, it also gives me my Cena fix between WWE events. God help me I think that I need rehab for this addiction.If you are looking for something that is a little else explosive and a little more on the light side, you could try "Man of the Year" with Robin Williams. Although it does lack for the comedy that you are used to with him, some parts are down right dry. All in all, not a bad flick to watch with your kids. Who in the world (other than Robin Williams) would walk away from being president?
I'm a Rock Fan myself...the WWE isn't the same without him...can't get enough of that boy.
You should here the kid when she sees a pic of Cena, she's more obsessed than I am. She is so upset that Mark and I won't take her to the "Wrestlemania Fan Axcess Tour" today (or tomorrow). It is about an hour from our house and we are expecting heavy rain tonight and snow tommorrow. She'll get over it (I hope). ;)
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