Monday, May 7, 2007

I QUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I quit. Child care that is, I love it. The kids are sweet and all, but the parents seem stupid, at least one Shauna Gooch. She has got to be the worst mother on the face of the planet. She has been letting Jac, Jakob's dad have him on the weekends. This is perfectly fine, considering, before she wouldn't let him see the baby. Speaking of which, here is a photo of him that I have, isn't he adorable.
The last two weekends Jakob has been with his dad, well, last week when Jakob was dropped off, Shauna seemingly disappeared. She left work at 5 (she was scheduled to work until 7) and didn't show up to get the baby (he is not quite 9 months) until 9:30. So, for 4 1/2 hours I had no way to get a hold of her, nor did I know where in the world she was. When she arrived to pick him up, she lied about where she had been. When caught in her lie, she gave yet another lie about where she had been.
This week Jakob was again with his dad (and soon to be step mom). Shauna was due to get him back last night when she got off work. Well, needless to say, he is still with his dad. Shauna left work early yesterday and took off with her boyfriend to Kansas City. Telling his dad and I that she wouldn't be back until Tuesday. Surprise, surprise, she is at work right now (it's only Monday). She still does not want him back until tomorrow. Jac was going to have Heather (his soon to be wife) bring him here and then he was going to come into Warrenton tonight, in case she didn't pick him up. When she didn't (which she straight up told me she wouldn't) the sheriff was going to be called and abandonment charges filled.
Now if she wants the baby back, she is responsible for driving to his daddy's house and getting him. Why, you ask? The bitch (pardon the language) called me to ask if Jakob had been dropped off yet, and I told her no that he was supposed to be dropped off around 1. She then proceeded to go off on me, because I told her earlier that I would no longer be watching him, because of the lies and the stress from the parents acting like Kindergartners. She told me that if I didn't watch him she would have to quit her job and then she wouldn't be able to take care of him at all. Don't try to guilt trip me. I had told her last week that I would help her to find someone else to watch him. I even called the local PAT office and had them print up a list for her. She said well you do what you need to do and I'll do what I need to do and then started to threaten me.
She threatened to turn me in for having an unlicensed day care in my home. Not a crime, by the way. Mark called up to the PAT office to find out what the cut off for that is. And here it is: no more than 4 children (other than your own) and only 2 of those can be under the age of 2. So there you have it, I did nothing wrong, except for agree to watch her children again. Well, I have learned my lesson, from now on the children that I watch will have a two parent home and the parents will be required to be at least 25 years old, 21 old's have to much growing up to do.


Anonymous said...

Happy Mothers Day, Buffie!!! I hope you feel as blessed as I do tomorrow.

Love ya!

Buffie said...

I hope that I do to.

Have a wonderful Mommy's Day and I will try to post on Monday.

Love to all the Moms out there.