Saturday, May 26, 2007

I'm Shocked, Yet Happy

I am having a fairly good day today (haven't felt sick at all, knock on wood). I received a phone call from my sister Missie (the one that I haven't spoken to in almost 4 years). I also spoke with my sis Dee Dee (not that that is anything out of the ordinary). ;) The only down spot of the day is that while I was on the phone with my Uncle David, I was also making potato salad for tomorrow and burned the potatoes. I was in the back room and all the water boiled out (thank goodness for heighten sense of smell that comes with being pregnant. How is it that I am more excited this time than I was the first time?

Anyway, back to the phone call from Missie. She invited me to my baby brother's (Joey) high school graduation tonight @ 8 pm. I know that he is not a baby, but he will always be that to me (just like Dee Dee will always be Mark's baby sis). I also got to talk to Joey, he sounds so grown up. Missie wanted me to go online and invite his father, he doesn't want him there and quite frankly I don't either. That man has not been a part of his life since he was 2 years old, he doesn't deserve to be part of this special occasion. While I was talking to Missie, her phone went dead, but they did call back. When Megan (my niece) got to where ever it is that they were, she called me and let me talk to Missie again. She swears that she is fine, that she has somethings wrong and that either they will be taken care of and she will be fine or she will die, either way she doesn't care.

I know that she doesn't mean that, she can't. She's just scared, I would be too. Before we hung up, I told her that I love her and (believe it or not) she said it back. There was not much joy behind it, but she said it and she has never been the type to say something that she didn't mean. Which kind of scares the hell out of me, because she is being nice. She is never nice, at least not for the longest time. The last time that she was nice was late November/early December 1990 (before Doug, her first husband was killed by a drunk driver). She may say that she is fine, but I don't think that she is, I think that she really is dying and she wants to make things right before she does. So now I don't know if I should be happy or not. Help. What do you think? Should I be happy that she is back in my life? Or should I be sad that she is dying?

In closing, Sierra-Lynn is very upset at me and her daddy. The smell of her crickets was making me extremely ill (I don't know if you have ever been around 20 something crickets, but trust me they stink to high heaven). So I was forced to put them outside, well it rained and they drowned. Without the crickets, her lizards would have died (that would have made her cry and she would have hated me forever) so we told her that we had to let them go (she cried for more than an hour). I took each one up to her so that she could say good-bye and blow them a kiss, and then put them on the retaining wall in our front yard. She is still upset with me about that, but before they were able to disappear I got her a picture of each one of them so that she will always remember them. The picture of lizard Joey is a little fuzzy, but it will have to do. Mark and I did tell her that next year we will let her get another lizard (or 2), but she is still sad. What's a mom to do?

1 comment:

Buffie said...

Oh, I almost forgot. Jakob is now safe with his dad. Jac and Heather got temporary custody and an order of protection against the mom (Shauna). When they go to court on the 31st of the month, they have a 3 1/2 inch thick DFS report for the judge. Tyler (Jakob's brother) has also been taken away from her. His dad went the same day that Jac did and got an order of protection on both Shauna and her mom.

I think it is sad when I child is taken from their mom, but mommy is not always the best person for them to be with. Best wishes to Jac Kim and Jeremy Smith on their new relationships with their boys.