Saturday, June 2, 2007

E-Mail From Uncle Carl

This is to show everyone just how crazy my sister is (for those that thought that I was making it up).

I actually got to leave a message on her voice mail and told her to give me a call ASAP "Don't make me come looking for you" type of message. She called from her boyfriend's house and I talked to Missy, Jessica, and listened to Megan blubber in a drunken stupor. But in the short of it she did tell me that her doctor thinks that she can be cured but she needs to get it in gear. She tried to tell me that she needed to think about it some more and I chewed hard and fast. I told her that she's had plenty of time to think about it and it was time to ACT. I brought up the fact that after we all watched how her and your mother, My Sister ended up why in great Gods name would she even put off something as serious as this when you know what the outcome is going to be. She should have acted long before this got this serious. I also told her that she needs to talk to her doctor about maybe looking at a mastectomy. It would damn sure be better to loose a breast or even both if it meant keeping her life. Anyway I also told her I was glad to hear that she was talking to you again and that I didn't know what it was that came between you two but in the end family is all you end up with. If you need more details give me a call.
Yes I got the e-mail about you expecting in Dec. and I told Karan and showed her the pictures you've sent.
I also think it's a good idea about the breast exam. I don't know about the family history idea of cancer, Hell if you find a lump and don't do anything about it because you're afraid of what it might be and you let it go guess what, it's going to turn out the way you don't want it to. Bottom line Buffie, and keep in mind I'm a Male but I know enough about the Human body, when you do you regular self exams and only you know what feels normal and what doesn't from one exam to the next. If you feel something that doesn't feel right to you. Get your ass to the doctor and get it checked out. If it does turn out to be a cancerous lump or whatever if would be a damn site easier to deal with it at the earliest possible stage. So Check yourself out on a regular basis and Don't procrastinate.
Love Uncle Carl
You either love that man or hate him.