Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Renaissance Faire

The Renaissance Faire was amazing, but stupid me forgot to bring the camera so I have no photos. When Sierra gets over this little cold that she has, I'm going to take her outside in her silk Renaissance dress and take a picture to post here.

She had so much fun this year. Once again she did the King's Quest. What the kids do is they go around the park and try to locate the people on the list and get stamps (or drawings) from them all while learning about the time period. Everyone is dressed as the person that they represent, from fairies and goblins to peasants and royalty. This year the list consisted of 18 people out of those you only have to locate 10 to become a princess or knight. Then at the 2:30 and 5:00 jousts they have a ceremony for the kids.

Needless to say, Mark had a migraine that refused to die, so we didn't get to stay for the ceremony, but Sierra did find everyone (including the prick, the Goblin King, he made little kids cry). While Sierra was getting the stamp from the court jester (the second to last stamp needed to find everyone) the jester and I talked about how she had almost found everyone (the other person that she needed was, like, 10 feet away from us playing the harp. He said something about her (Sierra) becoming a princess and I told him that we were getting ready to leave because of her daddy's headache. He did the coolest thing. He walked over to where the king and queen were and told them about Sierra.

We turn around, after getting the last stamp, and there is the queen and her entourage. They had a special ceremony to make Sierra a princess before she left. For about 2 seconds I thought that Sierra was going to hug the queen, then she thought differently and didn't.

She also won first place in the costume contest, she got a ribbon and a pirate rubber duck. She got to see a huge horse (I forget what kind, but the thing was taller than the roof of the pens at the petting zoo. She was upset about not getting to see the joust though. We went to the morning one and it was so muddy that they could not use the horses, it was a little entertaining to see the knights get in wheel barrels and joust that way, but not the same.

All of that being said, Sierra's favorite part was playing the ring toss game. I personally liked when we were in the fairy realm and the wizard had Sierra hold his bottle of bubble mixture while he blew some bubbles and then caught one and gave it to her. Its really a clear marble, but the way that he did it was so cool. She also got to see how felt used to be made and received a "favor" from the Germans. Its a white, purple and green piece of handmade felt. I didn't even know how people use to make fabric.

I could go on and on about it, but I won't (I would end up using all of my space).

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