Saturday, June 30, 2007

Doctors & Appointment Times?????????

I feel like I could sleep for a week, and this time I can't blame it on Sierra. We are now on try number three to sleep at night (the second time she only made it 2 nights, on the third she was woke up by loud rain). No, my need to sleep is caused by yesterday. It started out great, we got up, ate, stopped at the bank, went to the library and went to see Dee Dee. We spent about an hour or so at Dee Dee's house visiting with her and Hannah (who gets cuter every time that we see her) and, of course, Dee Dee's day care kids. Visiting actually relaxed me (I can't speak for Mark, but I know that he enjoyed seeing them too). From there we went to Shake and Steak for lunch (an early birthday lunch for me), even that was fun. I just wish that I would have remembered the camera. Sierra looked absolutely adorable with her little Shake and Steak hat on (which she broke upon entering the house). After lunch we stopped at Target to kill some time and I was almost stabbed with one of the workers box cutters. Okay, I made that sound worse than what it was. I moved a tube of "Boo Boo Cream" and a box cutter (closed) flew off of the top shelf and came close to hitting my foot.
No, I am exhausted from the doctor's office. I had a 2:30 appointment that ended up being a 4:00 appointment. Although we did get called back at about 3:30. Every time I have had a doctors appointment (now and with Sierra) I have had to wait. Which leads me to the question, why do doctors make appointments? Why not just tell the patients to come any time from ? to ? on a certain day and make it first come first serve? It just makes more sense to me, but I could be wrong (it happens just not often).
The appointment was not even that productive. I mean, Sierra got to hear the baby's heart beat, but that's it. We have to go back a week from Thursday for the ultrasound and then two weeks after that for my actual appointment.
Tonight, we were supposed to go to "Catch the glow" (its a big street fair kind of thing in Warrenton), but Mark and I are both tired and poor Mark had to work today (6 am to 3 pm). That and the rain was supposed to stop yesterday afternoon and it is still raining as I type this. We do, however, have to go back to Wentzville when he gets home to pay a bill that we meant to drop off yesterday after we got out of the doctor's office, but forgot.
Tomorrow, weather permitting, we will go to the parade (to kick of the Warren County Fair). Sierra will get to see her best friend Ella and get free candy (not that she doesn't have a bunch from Easter).
Then, of course, on Monday (my birthday), I have to deal with the manager and maintenance guy. They are doing a walk through of every mobile home and replacing broken mini blinds (at $25 a pop). So not looking forward to that, not because we have to worry about that, more because I have felt like a train wreck and have not done as much house work as I need to. That and I have been in the process of rearranging the house so it is pretty much a disaster area (I wonder if I can get it declared a disaster area by the federal government and get help). ;)
Check back tomorrow for (possible) pictures of the parade.

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