Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Welcome July

Sierra and Ella (BFFL)

Miss Mara (Tegin wasn't there) :(

So far, I don't really know what to say about this month. The parade was fun. Sierra got more candy than she will eat in a year, she also got to spend time with Ella. Those two are little hams when they get together. One week from today Miss Ella turns 5 and Sierra can't wait until Sunday when she gets to go to Ella's party. Mara, Ella's cousin, was also there. I can't believe how much that little girl has grown since I last saw her (she looked really cute in the dress that I made her).
Sierra and one of the "Big Dogs" (Mark took this one)

After the parade it was time for BBQ, Mark can grill with the best of them (if I do say so myself). Then there was the teenage punk who was throwing lit bottle rockets at the truck and the late night that that brought. We finally crawled into bed at about 10:15, only to be woke up by our car alarm going off and 10:45, which of course led to calling the police out (not that they did anything).

Needless to say, I spent all of yesterday wanting to do nothing but sleep. Mark did stay home, but I would have preferred a nice quite night and a day of play with Sierra, but whatever. I did get a call from my niece Megan and nephew Danny, which unexpected but nice.

Last night was another night of that punk kid throwing fireworks at the truck (as well as some of the other neighbors houses. Is it wrong to hope that he pisses off the wacko, Mindy, from across the street?

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