Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Not My Week

Last week was the week from hell. I mean, it wasn't all bad.

On Wednesday, Sierra-Lynn, Delaney, Ella and myself went to the pool. First, we had to wait almost an hour to get in because someone had thrown up in the pool before we got there and they had to clean (we were told that it would take 30 minutes tops). To make matters worse, when we did finally get in to the pool area, they still hadn't gotten it cleaned, but at least we got to use the sprinkle part of it. Sierra-Lynn and Ella had a blast, I thought that I was going to have to get a crane to get Delaney off of the ground (she was due on Monday, no baby yet).

We finally get in the pool and Sierra-Lynn damn near drowns me, don't ask me why the child is terrified of water. Thankfully she got over it and started venturing out on her own, but only where she could touch.

Wednesday night I realize that I should have put sunscreen on myself. I did something that I never used to do, I burned.

Thursday morning Delaney, Ella, Sierra-Lynn and I went to play group (water play group). This time I remembered the sunscreen for myself (as well as Sierra-Lynn who always gets it). It was such a blast watching Sierra-Lynn and Ella play. Of course it was mentioned that Ella is going to start taking ballet and now Sierra-Lynn wants that more than anything. We have been reading "My Pretty Ballerina" books and she has been dancing around the house like a ballerina ever since. If only we had the money for it. Well, there is always next year. We might try out the summer program and see how well she likes it.

Any who! Thursday afternoon, Sierra-Lynn asks if we can go for a walk. I need the exercise so I think "what the hay? why not?" And off we go. We don't even make it to the corner when we are turning around and getting home as fast as we can. I had been stung by a wasp (to which I am slightly allergic).

Friday the weather was beautiful all day, but I didn't want to deal with any more wasps (corporate came out on Wednesday and stirred up a nest of them in my yard). After Mark got home we did go outside though (all of us) and played kick ball/soccer. Sierra-Lynn wouldn't stop picking it up. She had so much fun because daddy played outside with her.
Sunday was a great day. We went to the outdoor flee market in Wentzville, where we found a wagon for Sierra-Lynn for $10. I also found something that (if the guy is back the next time that we go) I am going to get for Hannah for Christmas. (You want to keep the day and time of the baby shower secret, I can keep this secret.) After Sierra-Lynn's nap, I pulled out our swords and let Mark and Sierra-Lynn have at it. I was going to stay out of it, but the fun pulled me in and Mark and I started sword fighting. He decides to run into the bathroom, where he ended up hitting the edge of the door with his hand. He now has his pinkie in a finger splint.

Turn in Monday for updates on this upcoming weekend. Friday I have a doctor's appointment. Saturday, we are having lunch with Dee Dee and family, and Becky and family. Then, Sunday, we are going to Becky's father-in-law's house for a BBQ, should be fun.

My baby girl, on her favorite toy (of the moment).

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