Monday, July 30, 2007

The Baby Shower!

Even though I felt like pooh this weekend, I still went to Dee Dee's for "lunch". I found out from Mark that morning that it was really the shower. I was fun, but I felt awful. I had not slept for about 3 days and was having trouble breathing.
I do have to say that it was much better than my last baby shower. At Sierra-Lynn's the only person to show up was my mother-in-law and she came with me. At Jackson's there were (counting kids [8]) 18 people. We got a ton of clothes for Jackson, the diaper bag that I wanted, toys galore and a beautiful handmade blanket.
I loved this blanket when I saw it back on Memorial Day. It was made by by friend Tori's sister Tisha, not only did she sew it, but the picture on the front was painted by hand. I think that her and I need to go into business together. She can make the blankets and I'll make the clothes and other stuff for kids.

We also got bottles, a bottle brush, some baby food, bibs, and free advice on how to care for the most tender part of a boy. I just wish that Dee Dee would have given everyone more time so that some of the people that I really wanted there could have been there. My sister Kimmy, my friend Juli, my Aunt Karen and Missie and kids. Not that all of the time in the world would have gotten Missie there, she has disconnected her phone again so no one has a way to get a hold of her. The next call that I get from any of them, will probably be a funeral notice.
I will post more photos tomorrow, right now it is dinner time. Bye all!!!


Juli said...

I really wanted to come!! I was just happy I didn't spoil the surprise by telling you early that I couldn't make it. We're right in the middle of trying to get things packed up for our move...otherwise I wouldn't have missed it for the world. It has been so humid lately, I have been having breathing issues too!! I HATE SUMMER!!!

Buffie said...

I would have loved to see you. Maybe in the spring Mark and I will be able to take a trip that way.

I hope that you like your new home. Mine isn't the best, but it is a roof over our heads (that isn't going to cave in). You'll have to let me know how the schools are there. I'm not impressed with the ones up here. Mark and I are even going to home school Sierra-Lynn until we can get to an area with a better school district.

As for Summer, it could be worse. This year could have been like last year (half of July was over 100 degrees). We have yet to hit 100 this year and tomorrow is August. Just hang in a while longer, it is almost fall.