Sunday, July 15, 2007

I'm Sleepy

Yes, I am aware that pregnancy can cause tiredness, but that is not the reason. No, yesterday Mark, Sierra-Lynn and I all got up at (like) 4:45 a.m. We ran all over creation (yard sales, Wal-Mart, the library, 4 Doors Down). The library was closed when we got there, are reason for going to Wal-Mart was broke (we redid the registry today, it was down yesterday).
Today, Mark let me sleep until almost 9, it was great, but then we started rearranging the house. We are not completely done with it, but it will suffice until next week sometime, because my feet feel like I have been walking around on broken glass.
I also have been trying to keep up with 2 blogs and 2 email addresses (one is the one I use all of the time and have given to those that I want to talk to, the other is where recipes are sent, among other junk). My second email had not been checked since the beginning of July and had 152 unread messages (most for the Hi-5 message board). I must remind Mark to take me off of that thing. I also posted 16 (I think) posts on Give it a look if you get time, some of it was pretty interesting.

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