Sunday, August 12, 2007

Long Time Coming...

Sorry that I have not posted in a while, it's been crazy here. We have been trying to get the house in order (not an easy task).

Last Saturday we took Sierra-Lynn on her very first trip to the movies. We saw "The Simpson's Movie". She loved it. She sat mesmerized for over an hour and then came to sit on my lap (like we do at home).

Friday evening, we made a trip to the ER. Sierra-Lynn was complaining that her chest hurt. They didn't find any cause for it, and they did an EKG, took an x-ray and drew blood and still couldn't figure it out (she apparently has my phantom chest pains, great!!).

This weekend we went (both Saturday and today) to my friend Tori's parents house and had dinner and went swimming. On Saturday, Sierra-Lynn was running through the house and hit one of their dinning room chairs. She now has a little cut just above her right eye. And no, she has not learned to stop running in the house. She is getting more used to the water, yesterday she nearly choked the life out of me, because she was soooooo scared that she was going to go under water. Today, she got in her bug floaty (along with her arm floaties) and just floated all over the pool, or kicked her way across the pool. She even wanted daddy to help her go under water (only for a second and only once, she didn't want to do it again).
It was fun, but I am soooooooo very tired. So good night to all.

1 comment:

Juli said...

I MISS YOU!!! I am soooo glad that Miss Sierra-Lynn is ok. How are you feeling? Do you have any Pre-Jackson Pics????

Love you,