Monday, March 24, 2008

What to do?

I no longer have any idea of what to do with Miss Sierra-Lynn. This morning Mark and I had to take her to the doctor, she was throwing up. Since February, she has lost another 1/2 pound, she is now 37 1/2 pounds. Most of the other girls her age are a good 20 pounds heavier. Apparently she is going to take after Mommy, before I got married (and had kids), I was 15 to 20 pounds underweight too. Man, I miss those days.

Jackson, on the other hand is growing like a weed. He is now scooting and rolling all over the living room. And everyday he gets more and more vocal, his voice is oh so cute.

We finally got family pictures taken, the last time we did that Sierra-Lynn was 18 months old.

I'll chat more later, Jackson is getting fussy.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

He Did It!!!!!!

My little man is not so little anymore. He finally got to meet Aunt Becky and Uncle Mike (Mike actually held him, twice). After they left from today's visit, I put Jackson on his "wiggle worm" play mat, or as we call it, his bug, and he rolled over onto his tummy. He then started crying, he doesn't like being on his tummy. So, I put him back on his back, and caught him on video rolling over, again. All totaled he rolled over 4 times, Daddy only got to see 1 (live). To bad for him that I have to take his pillow away, he already lost having toys in his bed. I may even have to stop letting him play on his bug, it's face is a pillow.

Sierra-Lynn, on the other hand, is really getting into science. We are currently studying plants (and the solar system), and today we planted some plants. They will get to serve two purposes; 1: they are growing in a clear container, so she will be able to see their roots. 2: they will be planted in our garden next month. We planted peas, green beans, tomatoes, peppers, and cantaloupe, along with 1 radish (don't ask). Now if we can find away to keep the bunnies from eating them this year, we will be doing great. I think we might try growing them in a 18 gallon tote, and hopefully they won't be able to get in. What do you think?

Do you remember me saying that Sierra-Lynn had grown mushrooms with her daisies? Well, they are now dead, the mushrooms, not the daisies. She forgot to water them for a few days and the mushrooms shriveled up. Oh well, no big loss.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Things I've Learned This Week. . .

1. My computer hates me. It will neither let me order DVDs to fulfill a commitment, nor post photos on here. Maybe someday it will stop being a big butt.

2. Jackson thinks mommy looks like a vomit bag. Regardless of when he last ate, be it 2 minutes or 2 hours, I get spit up on. It has now gotten VERY old.

3. A peanut is a seed.

4. At night, plants take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide.

5. I skipped 1st grade. I have never been able to remember going to first grade and after talking to my Uncle David about it, I now know why. I didn't go to first grade. How cool is that? Of course, it would have been cooler if I would have also graduated a semester early, but oh well.

Mark: He is sick, again. This makes the third time in six weeks. I'm so over it, because when he gets sick all he does is whine (he is not a happy sick-o), I get no help with Jackson, which wears me down. What's a girl to do?

Sierra-Lynn: May possibly be a future fashion designer. We recently bought her a V smile pocket. It came with a "Cinderella" game, that she loves. One of the games is a dressmaker game, it just happens to be her favorite. She is also back in Girl Scouts, and loving it. She is making new friends. I just wish you could all see her face at the meetings.
Schooling her is going great, she just loves to learn. In science, we are learning all about plants, and in history/geography she is learning about the continents (her 2 favorite subjects). We just got her "band in a box" in and she loves it. I wish that I could say the same about her "I can play piano", I like it though so it was worth it. I can finally learn how to play an instrument. ;)

Jackson: Well, he is still working on getting his teeth, somewhere between 4 and 6. He fights you when you try to look. If you try to feel them, he bites you. He can now roll onto his side and has rolled over a couple of times (on mommy and daddy's bed, or off a pillow while on the couch). He is a pre-sitter, if only I could get him to stop kicking the pillows away from him. He at least sleeps through the night (most mornings until 5 am, but occasionally til 6 and once until 7).

And lastly, Me: I am exhausted. I don't stay up to late, I just can't get to sleep when I get in bed. I guess that I need to find a good way to wind down. Any ideas? No naughty ideas though.

All of us were looking forward to Easter egg hunting with Aunt Dee Dee, Aunt Becky, Uncle Justin, Uncle Mike and Hannah, but I don't think that the whether is going to cooperate with us. They are calling for rain, starting tomorrow. Happy, happy, joy, joy! (Note the sarcasm.)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Things have been crazy around here, and I just want to say "Thank God February is over."

I was able to find a book called "What your Kindergartner needs to know". Let me tell you, Sierra-Lynn already knows 90% of what's in it. None of the 1st graders that I know (that go to Warrenton) know some of the stuff in this book. My friend Tori's 4th grader still hasn't been taught the continents or anything about the presidents. Which makes feel really could about Mark's and my decision to home school both Sierra-Lynn and Jackson.

Things are going good in Sierra-Lynn's Girl Scout troop, yep that's right, she is still a Daisy. At the last meeting they got to make heart shaped potpourri things and they planted daisies. Both of us had fun (a first at these meetings). And all of the girls loved Jackson, I think that he was the highlight for them. Now if we could just get Pam to give up the money that rightfully belongs to our troop, but that is stress for another day.

You may have noticed the title for this blog, it's actually a funny story. Mark was teaching Sierra-Lynn science this morning and he asked her "what do you think of when you think of plants?" Right when he asked this, I was handing Jackson his bunny and said "bunny". Needless to say the whole lesson, which was supposed to be about plants, ended up being about bunnies. So we will try again tomorrow to make sure that she has learned everything she needs to about plants. Hopefully I will have my voice back and I can do it, who knows what she will learn if Mark gives her her lesson!

Jackson can grab his toes now. He just doesn't let them go. ;)