Sunday, March 16, 2008

He Did It!!!!!!

My little man is not so little anymore. He finally got to meet Aunt Becky and Uncle Mike (Mike actually held him, twice). After they left from today's visit, I put Jackson on his "wiggle worm" play mat, or as we call it, his bug, and he rolled over onto his tummy. He then started crying, he doesn't like being on his tummy. So, I put him back on his back, and caught him on video rolling over, again. All totaled he rolled over 4 times, Daddy only got to see 1 (live). To bad for him that I have to take his pillow away, he already lost having toys in his bed. I may even have to stop letting him play on his bug, it's face is a pillow.

Sierra-Lynn, on the other hand, is really getting into science. We are currently studying plants (and the solar system), and today we planted some plants. They will get to serve two purposes; 1: they are growing in a clear container, so she will be able to see their roots. 2: they will be planted in our garden next month. We planted peas, green beans, tomatoes, peppers, and cantaloupe, along with 1 radish (don't ask). Now if we can find away to keep the bunnies from eating them this year, we will be doing great. I think we might try growing them in a 18 gallon tote, and hopefully they won't be able to get in. What do you think?

Do you remember me saying that Sierra-Lynn had grown mushrooms with her daisies? Well, they are now dead, the mushrooms, not the daisies. She forgot to water them for a few days and the mushrooms shriveled up. Oh well, no big loss.

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