Monday, April 14, 2008

I'm Back.

Sorry it's been so long, we rearranged the living room and for almost a week I didn't have the net hooked up.

I wanted to give an update on my sweet (sometimes) babies. Sierra-Lynn wants to be an architect when she gets older. She has already designed a house that is shaped like a foot. (Don't ask.) She is excited about her Girl Scout meeting tonight. On April 28, we will be having the investiture ceremony, she is pretty excited about that too. And sometime on the 9th of May she will be graduating from Kindergarten. I am so excited.

Jackson is still working on getting his teeth, they are being stubborn. This past week his gums have been hurting so bad that he has been having trouble eating. That is if we don't give him Tylenol, teething tablets or Ambesol, I haven't been doing it every bottle just one or two a day.

One day I will post some photos, this blasted thing won't let me for some reason.

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