Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Someone Help, Please!!!

Well, my back is still hurting, I sprained it and I have no idea how. I was given some pain killers and muscle relaxers, but they only help so much.

Anyway, on Friday we took the kids to the doctor. Jackson now weighs 15.2 pounds and is 26 1/2 inches tall. Sierra-Lynn is back up to 39 lbs and is almost 45 inches tall (she is a little more than 44 1/2 inches). I went to Urgent care on Saturday, that's how I know what is wrong with my back.

I need to get Mark's ears checked, I have been telling him for the last two weeks that I want to get my lisecnse back before Sierra-Lynn's investiture ceremony (this upcoming Monday) and my last opportunity to do so is tomorrow. He starts yelling at me this morning for not telling him that I want to go take the driving test. I told him fine I won't do and he can continue to control everything by being the only driver in the house. Thus starting WW18. What's a person to do?

Anyway, we took the kids back to the doctor yesterday and my sweet baby has an ear infection and a cold, and Sierra-Lynn has a cold and is miserable. She is currently sitting on the kitchen floor making a picture for her Hannah, as she calls her, for her birthday. I am trying to make her an adorable 1950's style dress, though she may not be able to wear it for a while. I made one for Sierra-Lynn 2 years ago and had to make it longer, because it showed her booty, so who knows. I just hope that I can get it done by Friday along with reading the MO drivers book.
Wish me luck.

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