Thursday, September 25, 2008

I'm A Flake.

I meant to put these photos on here last week. They are of last Friday, at the orchard with the home educators group. Jackson was so cute, I keep telling him not to pull on sissy's tree and then we take him to the orchard and suddenly it's okay to pull stuff off the tree.
Anyway, tomorrow is our second day of co-op and Sierra-Lynn has talked of nothing else all day. She woke up this morning and was all, "I have to go to bed early, because I have co-op tomorrow." Now if I could only get her to stop talking things out of Jackson's hands.
Jackson's new bed!
Is anyone other than me tired of all of the freaking recalls? Whatever happened to taking pride in what you do? Of being proud to put your name on something? Last year it was all the toys (Sierra-Lynn had some of the Barbie stuff), and this year it's candy, Chinese baby formula, and cribs. Jackson is, in theory, sleeping (in reality, he is sitting up whining) in his new crib, his other one was recalled. Apparently the movable side can fall off causing the baby to fall out and get hurt. I say we need more companies moving their factories back to the United States, not only would it help the economy, but the American people will have the peace of mind that the products that they buy for their children won't kill them.

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