Friday, September 12, 2008

Our First Co-Op

I am so tired. Who would have thought that spending the day playing with babies would be so exhausting. Mark got there to pick us up and Sierra-Lynn didn't want to leave. We told her that it was time to go and she's all "I don't want to go!" It was too cute.Jackson had his 9 month checkup yesterday. My God he is getting big (but yet he still seems so small). He is 30 inches (2 1/2 feet) tall, and weighs 19.6 pounds. And, like Sierra-Lynn has low iron levels, I think the doctor said it was 9 something. Next month we are supposed to take him and have a CBC panel done. Sounds like fun (note sarcasm here). Anyway, Mark and I had our first child free day in about 6 years (we went bowling), we also bought some Christmas/birthday stuff. I now need some time to rest after these past 2 days, five games of bowling (my highest score was 112, yes I suck), shopping and then co-op, it's all just too much. Next week all we are doing is apple picking, I don't think that we could handle the zoo, hopefully we can get there next spring. Gas prices will be lower then, right?

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