Monday, March 26, 2007

Kids.....You Can't Live With

Sierra knows just what buttons to push to drive me totally insane. Mark came home on his lunch break today and told her that if she wants to stay up to watch "Raw", then she must take a nap. If not she doesn't get to watch (and Raw is the only WWE show that has John Cena). The child now has a picture of him on her door that she kisses every night before she goes to bed, a poster hanging on the wall by her bed and his wrestler. She also throws a fit if she doesn't get to watch him on TV (when she does see, she practically starts to hyperventilate), its bad. So, you would think that she would take a nap without fighting me, right? Wrong, she was put down at 1:00 and it is know 1:29 and she has been up every 5 minutes.
I love you to pieces, but sometimes she just drives me crazy.
She is finally silent, so maybe she decided to stop fighting (either that or she is thinking up some other excuse to get out of bed, so far it has been "I need a hug.").

In other news, I have been getting emails from a guy that I used to go to school with. And for the life of me I have one idea who he is. I feel absolutely horrible about it. And I wonder just how many people out there are trying to find me (because they had a crush on me, or because I touched their lives in a positive way) and when/or if they find me it leaves me scratching my head, not knowing who they are. My friend Juli, as well as my husband, thinks that this is funny, I fail to find the humor, but maybe someday I will. One thing that is funny is the fact that after all this time the guy looks exactly the same now as he did in the 8th grade.
Looking back at what others were like is very easy, but have you ever tried to picture yourself (not physically) when you were in school? Were you a bully? Were you superficial? That kind of thing. I have, and let me tell you, its not easy. I remember trying to hide my home life (and my bruises) and for the most part being successful, unless you count in Juli. She seemed to know everything that happened at home, even without me telling her. She even knew about a crush that I had on a classmate, one Zach Johnson. For the life of me, when I went to Webb City High, I thought that Landon Rose was the guy that I liked, well except for the girlfriend, a cheerleader. Then a week or so after I moved, came to realize that I liked Zach, but somehow Juli knew. People like her are unforgettable, if you have someone like her in your life, please let them know how much you care about them and are thankful to have them in your life. These people are true friends and trust me they are hard to find and should be treasured always.


Juli said...

I am blushing--and I love You. You can never fool Juli...Juli sees all...Juli knows all--kinda like that wishing machine on the movie BIG...what was her name--THE GREAT ZOLTA--that's it! I think Sierra Lynn is adorable--I was always a little boy crazy too. At least she's picking wisely. Tanner looked at Jeremy's screensaver of Catherine Zeta Jones the other day and said to him "Daddy! That's a Hot chick!" Oh how I love four year olds. I can't believe this guy is emailing you! That cracks me up.

Buffie said...

Ahhhhhhhh shucks.