Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Is It Nap Time Yet?

I am soooooo freaking tired. I don't know if it stems from being pregnant or if it has something to do with being kept up most of the night by Sierra having a spaz attack about Polly Pocket being alive and running around her room (Polly not Sierra).
On the plus side, Mark and Sierra are both doing much better. I put them both on allergy medicine and their headaches went away. Now if only I can start feeling better (and stop throwing up), I'll be able to get that photo taken of Sierra and all her Renaissance glory. ;)

1 comment:

Juli said...

I was sooooo tired when I was pregnant--much like I am tired now...but without the bun in the oven (too much allergy medication :)) I feel your pain sister, and don't believe what they tell you about ginger snaps and all that other help nausea crap. THEY don't know anything!!!