Saturday, June 16, 2007

Kids Say The Darnedest Things!!!!!

The other day I was flabbergasted when, while cuddling with Sierra, okay it was more like being hit repeatedly by the ball that she was throwing at Mark and I, she looks at Mark and says "take off your shorts and have sex with her" pointing at me. And then tells me "take off your shirt and pants and have sex with him" pointing at Mark. She then stands up, puts one hand on her hip, tilts her head and says lets get this party started.
Now don't ask me where she got this at, because I am clueless. All I can tell you is that I laughed so hard that I started having a hard time breathing.

That was one of her somewhat cute moments this week, one of the very few. She has decided that she no longer wants to sleep in her room and every night this week has woke up screaming at 1, 2, 3 o'clock in the morning for at least an hour each night. She doesn't want to go in her room at all and let me tell you, sleep deprivation is about to set in (on all of us). If anyone knows of something that we can do that might make her sleep, please for the love of all things holy, leave a comment and let me know, because I am about to pack her up and send her to live with her Aunt Dee Dee (sorry you are closer than Aunt Becky).


Anonymous said...

OMG I would have died from hysterical laughter. Where do they come up with some of the crap they spout off?

Have you tried bribing...ummm I mean rewarding?? We made up a chart and let Tanner put a sticker on it every night he stayed in his bed by himself. When he got seven stickers in a row he got a prize of his choosing (Chuck E Cheese). He really liked helping decorate the poster and getting to put the stickers on in the morning. AND he sleeps in his own room.

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