Saturday, June 2, 2007

My Little Artist

We found this chalkboard at the flee market for 75 cents and she loves it.

Here is one of the lovely drawings that she has made for me (it's a person and a really little house (don't ask)).

Have I mentioned how much I love my little girl. I love her so much, she has got to be the best little girl in the whole world (ok I am biased). She has only been away from me 3 times in 4 1/2 years (the first she was 9 months old, the second was when her Papa was in isolation and the third was yesterday). Ok, she has been away from me more than that, but she was at home with Papa, those three times she was taken to her Aunt Dee Dee's house. Mark and I dropped her off at Dee Dee's house so that I could go to the doctor (who is soooo much better than the last OB that I went to). When we left she didn't cry (she did that at snack time).

At the doctor we got to see the baby, the doctor couldn't find a heartbeat. So unlike the quack that I used before, he checked to make sure that the little one was okay. It is, although it is still to early to tell if we will have a girl or a boy (my gut says girl, but that could be wishful thinking).

As promised, here is the inside of my Mother's Day card from Sierra. Mark wrote her name on the envelope and she wrote it in the card. She still needs a little work on her S's, but she is working on it.

Tomorrow Mark is off work and we are supposed to go to the 9th Annual Greater St. Louis Renaissance Faire, something that we missed last year. We took Sierra the year before last and she loved it, plus it's a great way to teach kids history. Our only problem is the rain, it won't stop and it is supposed to rain tomorrow. So we are going to arm ourselves with umbrellas and brave the (possible rain). Hopefully we won't get rained out this year like we did last year, I really want to take her to see the joust (we missed it the last time we went, but she loves them when we watch period movies). Wish us luck.


Juli said...

I am trying to get Jeremy to let me paint one entire wall of Tanner's room in the new house with chalkboard paint so that he can have his very own wall to draw on. I have a war ahead of me on the convincing...Jeremy doesn't like them, but I think it's a great idea and a fantastic way to let him express himself. Sierra would love it too. Just think what kind of beautiful artwork she could do with a giant canvas!!!

Buffie said...

I would love to do that, but we are not allowed to paint here. All of the walls and doors and trim are white. Thank heaven for photographs and artwork, without them I would feel whited out.

She would be able to make all kinds of beautiful pictures on one, as well as practice writing her letters.

I could help you convince Jeremy. One of my ex-boyfriend's little sister had one of her walls painted like that, she loved it, while she was young, now she doesn't have much use for it. Now she would rather have a place to put pics of friends and party invites. LOL