Sunday, June 24, 2007

What A Week!!!!!!!!

This week has been both boring and fun all at the same time. Don't ask!

We have found a resale shop that is wonderful. We have a consignment there and we also found this beautiful couch there. It is soooooo soft and very easy to get off of, I call it "the cloud". Doesn't Sierra look comfy on it?

I was able to get Sierra to sleep through the night, for a grand total of 4 days. Using a bribe, sorry I meant to say a reward system suggested by Juli. We bought something that she wants in an extreme way and told her that if she would sleep all night long in her room (without waking up screaming) for 7 days in a row, it would be hers. Last night, on day 5, she blew it. She came into our room stood by the bed and started to scream, as only little girls know how. Which didn't go over very well, considering that I had not been able to get much sleep at all anyway.
Why couldn't I sleep? Well that is an easy one, I am an accident waiting for a place to happen, and happen I did. Yesterday, while on our way to go to some yard sales we stopped to drop off trash and saw one of our neighbors at the on-site storage units talking to a police officer about one that was open. We have some kids (tweens and teens) that like to hang out in front of these units (as well as on top of them and in the dumpster). They have been seen going in and out of them and one of their skateboards was found in one. Being the type of person the Mark is, he went over to find out what was going on.
The smell from the dumpster was getting to me, so I asked if her would move the truck (I still haven't renewed my licence yet) and he said that he would in a minute, he just needed to give the officer some addresses first. Since I am home more than he is and have actually talked to these kids (and know where most of them live) I went to give the addresses. Mark left Sierra up at the front of the park with me and went to call the after hours number. While he was gone, I sat on the ground (in the officers shadow) to wait for him to get back.
After what seemed like forever and a day, he finally got back and everyone got ready to go (with the exception of the officer) I went to get up off of the ground by putting my hands behind me and pushing myself up. Well, normally that works just fine, but every once in a while my thumb goes a little too far back, and yesterday was one of those times. Mark thought last night that it might be broken, but I can move it a little today. So, now we think that I just pulled the muscle AGAIN. All I know is that it hurts like a B---- to move my thumb or to put pressure on any part of my right hand, just like it did when I pulled it working on the garden a few months ago.
Speaking of the garden, barring that the rabbits leave our plants alone, we are going to have an huge amount of cantaloupes (and possibly watermelons), they will be free to a good home to any of our loved ones living within 30 miles of us (or however far away O'Fallon, MO is). I can't say for sure that they will survive, the peas and green beans fell prey to those pesky rabbits.
In closing today, I would like to ask a favor to those of you out there that know Spanish. I have a dilemma, a comment was posted on "Kids Say The Darnedest Things". It is completely in Spanish and I have no Earthly Idea as to what it says. And as mentioned before, if someone is going to take the time to leave a comment, I will post it (as long as it is not vulgar or threatening to anyone), so I would love to know what it says. If you can translate, please leave the translation for me. Thanks.


Juli said...

Sierra looks just like you in that picture! I'm glad the reward system worked relatively well. Four nights is really good. Ok, so the comment on your blog is actually portugese and translates roughly to "I found your blog on google and thought it was interesting. I liked this post. My blog is on personalized t-shirts and shows step by step how to create one. Until Later" I think it's one of those generic spam posts that I sometimes get.

Buffie said...

Everyone says that she looks like me and if you take a pic of me at that age, she does.

Thanks for the translation.