Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Results Are In!!!!!!!!

I had my glucose test on Monday (I know I need to update this more often), everything looks great. When I arrived at the doctors office I felt like I was going to pass out, I could feel my blood sugar dropping, it was 74. One hour after drinking, what tasted like an Orange soda minus the sugar, my blood sugar was only 121 and I was feeling great. Okay, maybe not great but not like I was going to pass out either.
Sierra-Lynn is apparently not loving the doctors office that much anymore, she whined the whole time "I want to go home mommy.". Mark and I both had to tell her (a million times) that if she can't behave then she will have to go to a sitter when I go to the doctor. I don't think that she cares.
Home school is going swimmingly. By the end of the week she will know how to write all of her letters (she can already recognize about 90% of them). Although she does get "M" and "W" backwards or as she says bass ackwards, guess where she picked that up at? She can write her name, without looking at it, although it looks like this "SiERRA". She only uses a lowercase i, everything else is uppercase. Next week we start her numbers, she can say them and recognizes most of them, but she can't write all of them, she will work on that next week. After I am 150% sure that she has them down, we will learn the phone number. Mark has already tried doing number sequencing and phone number learning at the same time and got her confused. Today she asked me what our address was (handing me a pen and notebook) and asked me to write it down. When she saw it written, her little jaw hit the floor, it was so very cute.
She can also write "mom" and "dad" and is working on learning how to write "Jackson" (all without looking at it in writing). Every time she writes a new word she gets so excited. So do I, that means that there is one more word that she can read. Like tonight, while reading her a bedtime story, she was reading it with me. And, no it was not one that we read a lot, it was "Sleeping Beauty", and she has only seen the movie once, about a year ago. She told Mark and I that she can read some, but didn't want to tell us, because she thought that if we knew that she could read that we wouldn't read to her anymore. Hell, if she wants me to read to her when she is 15, I will, because it will mean that she wants to spend time with me.
It seems like just yesterday she was my little baby and now she is 5 weeks away from being 5 years old. Where did my baby go? The little girl who wanted to cuddle with mommy. The little girl who wanted me to read her the same book 10 times in a row. I miss her. Now its all about playing with her friends and doing school work. Sunday, Mark was off so I gave her the day off from school work (she gets two a week, usually Mark's days off). Anyway, I gave her the day off from it and she almost went ballistic because we weren't going to do anything. We did play a few games of "Don't spill the beans", she thinks that it is called "Spill the beans". The little barrel thing will be leaning one way and instead of putting her bean on the opposite side she puts it on the side it is leaning towards and they all fall out. It is a nice change of pace to actually win a game against her, she kicks my butt at "go fish". ;)

Sunday, September 23, 2007


It has been a week for the Bennett's.

The 15th was mine and Mark's 6 year anniversary. I spent the morning (2 hours of it at least) enjoying the quiet that comes with Sierra-Lynn at Super Bus, Mark had to work. :( After he got off work, Sierra-Lynn was able to talk him into taking her to Strashenbash, she was hoping to run into her friend Amelia (we didn't). Although she did get some cotton candy, I on the other hand fell on my butt, twisted my ankle and scraped my elbow (or in the words of Sierra-Lynn "my oboe") up pretty bad. Sunday was spent laying on the couch wishing that I wasn't such a klutz. ;)
"I'm big girl. Now go away, please!"
Monday, Mark had a company ordered reset, which meant working overnight (boo). I ended up getting burnt, not once but twice. Once by a pizza pan that had just come out of the oven (Mark's fault) and once after I had put the princess to bed, while working on some sewing projects (15 down, 15 to go by the end of October). I do remember about 10 years ago saying that I would never use an iron again, apparently I lied. The ironic thing about this is that I was leaving boot camp when I said that and I was ironing fabric for a military outfit for Sierra-Lynn (a possible Halloween costume).

"Look Mommy, I can stand up!"

Wednesday, Mark finally got to meet Sierra-Lynn's Head Start lady, Shirley, and Sierra-Lynn got her first Spanish lesson (mommy and daddy). Then on Friday, Sierra-Lynn and I went to the apple orchard with Head Start. The group from Parents as Teachers was also there, and I can tell you first hand that kids say whatever pops into their heads. Lynne, Sierra's former parent educator from P.A.T., tried to give her a hug and Sierra pops off with "I like her (pointing at Shirley) better than you." I could have died right there, I should have known that she would say something like that, considering that she said it at home a few days before. Mark and I told her that she wasn't not to say it to anyone and she says it to Lynne, Lynne almost cried.

"Look at me."

I had to lie and tell Lynne that Sierra sometimes says that she likes her Aunt Dee Dee more than me, thankfully she bought it.
Sierra, myself and Penny the donkey
And at some point this past week, I received a phone call from Mark's Aunt Pam (a complete surprise). To my knowledge, no one has heard from the woman in over a year. She even wanted to know how everyone was doing. Not that she listened to much, every time that I said anything, she had a story similar to it about her grand baby. Typical Pam! She talked my ear off for over 70 minutes, thankfully someone knocked on the door trying to sell me something. It gave me an excuse to get off the phone. If more people loved me (or Mark) I could have gotten off to answer the other line.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Girl Scouts And More

So far this week, Mark and I have succeeded in enrolling Sierra-Lynn (as well as myself) in the girl scouts (I got roped into being a co-leader, Delaney is the troop leader). I know nothing of Girl Scouts or what they do, I never was one when I was a child (never in one place long enough to do it).
She as also been put in Head Start, Mark and I got tired of waiting to hear from someone from Parents As Teachers. She had her screening today (at the end of it the Bennett stubbornness came out), but she did really good. Friday they (Head Start) have a get together with a police officer, maybe I can get Sierra-Lynn to get her fingers printed this time. Here's hoping.
Have I mentioned how silly my little monkey is, lately? I asked her last night, what she wanted Santa to bring her for Christmas, so that we can write Santa a letter. Believe it or not, but what she wants the most is a Glade Light Show and then she wants a drawing thing (those magnetic things that you can erase by moving the dealy at the bottom). What she doesn't know is that Daddy already bought that and it is hiding in our closet. ;) I guess her "big" wants are better than they were last year, a horse and Papa, I still can't believe that she wants an air freshener for Christmas, how silly is that? I love my baby.
Tomorrow, I have a follow-up foot doctor appointment, which is good, my toe has been hurting for the last two days. Friday, Sierra-Lynn and I are going to Head Starts safety meeting and Saturday, Mark and I celebrate our sixth anniversary (I can't believe that it has been that long, it doesn't seem like it). Next Friday, Head Start is going to the apple orchard, Sierra-Lynn loved that last year.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

My Munchies

In response to comments that I have been left, I thought that I should put up some photos of my prego self. (I tried to take a photo of one of Jackson's ultrasound photos, but it didn't work. Just my luck!) If Mark and I can ever get the house in order (I had it that way and then we rearranged the whole house) I'll get a picture of Jackson's room and put it on here as well. If anyone wants to volunteer to help, I won't object. ;)Sierra is doing great with everything, she has even come around to getting a brother (instead of the sister that she wants (yes, still wants)). We have been working on preschool stuff, one hour everyday, in preparation for tax time when she starts Kindergarten (homeschool). She has taken a Kindergarten readiness test and is more than ready for Kindergarten right now, unfortunately we won't have the money to buy the program until we get our taxes in (and it's less than $400) so she has to wait. Until then we are working in "school time" everyday.

It's kind of interesting considering that I am also working on Christmas presents for Sierra-Lynn, Hannah and Jackson, once I get the batting for blankets Hannah's will be done. One down, two to go. I'm also trying to keep up with 2 blogs (not doing very good on that), type up all of my recipes (been working on that for over a year, I keep getting new recipe magazines) as well as spending time with Mark and Sierra-Lynn and laundry, dishes and all of those other chores that I hate. Any ideas that I can use to get Mark to do. . . anything (other than bitch)?