Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trick Or Treat!!!!!!!!

I hope that everyone had a safe and fun Halloween. The Bennett's went to 4 Doors Down, Wal-mart, Video Classics and Dollar General (much safer than house to house). Sierra-Lynn made quite the hall, she filled her little cauldron. Needless to say she will have enough candy to last until the fourth of July when we get parade candy (what's left of tonight's candy will hit the circular file). ;)She went has a soldier. Daddy was going to let her get a gun, but she opted for a camo-hat to go with her outfit (she didn't want to have to carry a gun and her candy). I can't say as I blame her.
As for me, I am doing fine. Just tired. That stems from my left leg constantly popping out of socket, a sharp pain in my left thigh and Sierra-Lynn waking me up every night sometime between the hours of midnight and 3 a.m. Other than that I'm doing really good. Just busy trying to get the house ready for Sierra-Lynn's birthday party on Saturday and ready for Jackson to come home (just a few more weeks now). His room is mostly done, I just have to find a home for a few things that are in his room and the Christmas presents that are in his little bed. Then we can get Papa's chair from Aunt Dee Dee and be set.

My main thing is finding a home for some of the stuff in the living room so that it will be clean on Saturday, any volunteers to help? Just kidding, I just have to move Christmas presents to my closet and take some things to 4 Doors Down and we will be good to go. (Well, that and give a bag and box to Dee Dee for her and Hannah. Night all.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

2 Days And Counting........

I don't know where the time has gone. It seems like just yesterday that my little girl was a tiny baby who needed me for everything and now in less than 2 short days, she will be 5 years old.

She is learning how to read, and write full words. She is a girl scout. She is a sweet (most of the time) sympathetic child who worries about others and loves her baby brother, even though he is not here yet and she loves to help out in the kitchen, but hates doing laundry (who doesn't?). Yet, every night I look into her room, and watch her sleep, and see her when she was a baby. So small and helpless, then she wakes up and she is a teenager trapped in a kindergartner's body.

Tomorrow, as everyone knows, is Halloween. Sierra-Lynn can't wait to wear her soldier costume, Mark has a small first aid kit that we are going to hang off of her and she is going to be a medic. While we were doing her schoolwork today, I told her that it was almost Halloween and she got all excited and could barely concentrate on her studies, it was kind of cute. Then, she asked me if her birthday was after Halloween, when I said yes, her excitement rose even higher. I just wonder if I should let her open 1 present on her birthday or make her wait until Saturday to open anything. Any ideas?

Well, I gotta go. See you all later.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Mommy Brain

This was not funny last night, but, looking back, it's funny now. Poor Mark was sooooo tired from work, but he still had agreed to take Sierra-Lynn and I to Wentzville to pick up some things off of the Girl Scout Express. Only, I ended up with a bad case of "Mommy Brain". I could have sworn that it was in Wentzville, but has it turns out, last night it was in O'Fallen, it will be in Wentzville on Monday. We drove all over trying to find it and I still feel bad about getting the day wrong, but what can you do?

Have I mentioned lately how smart my baby is? And no, this time I am not referring to Sierra-Lynn, I am taking about Jackson. Mark put his head on my tummy last night and said "Daddy is right here." And he tapped where his head was. The next thing I know Jackson moves from one side of my stomach to the other so that he could cuddle with daddy. It was so cute.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Good-Bye Troop 4921

I have completely had it with Delaney, and am about to call it quits with Girl Scouts all together.

Thursday night, Delaney and I had a Daisy leader class, to which she showed up 30 minutes late. She then jumped down my throat every time that I said anything. If she wasn't bitching me out for one thing or another, she was rolling her eyes at my suggestions for the troop. By the time that I got home (she drove me), I was having chest pains, my left arm was throbbing, I was shaking like a leaf and I was seeing little white lights dance in front of my eyes. On top of that I had major pains in my abdomen and got about 3 1/2 hours of broken sleep the whole night. Yesterday was spent trying to get Sierra-Lynn into a different troop, one with a leader that isn't a tyrant. One that lets the parents and most importantly, the girls have some say in what they do.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Girl Scouting and Soooooooo Much More!!!

Where to begin on how Sierra-Lynn's week has went! It started out really well, she was so excited about being able to have a honey bun cake at her birthday party, because Aunt Dee Dee wasn't going to bring Hannah to the party. She thought that touring a movie theatre was a tad to advanced for a 2 1/2 year old. So, my baby starts coming up with a list of things that she wanted to serve at her party (not that she was by any means getting even half of them). So, it's safe to say that on the way to her Girl Scout meeting, she was as happy as a clam.

The meeting went pretty well. Delaney did manage to tick off a few of the parents, by treating them as if they were little kids and talking down to them. The girls, on the other hand, were excellent. The sat at a table just a few feet from where all of the parents were and worked on a page for their scrapbooks (I don't personally like the idea of the scrapbooks, but as a co-leader whose leader won't talk about anything with, I don't see that I really have a choice except to do what Miss High and Mighty Delaney wants. Any who, all of the girls did great, when I told them that we needed to start cleaning up so that we could have snack, they did just that (minus a few little pieces of paper that had fallen to the floor). Mark made the juice and Sierra handed out the cheese crackers. Then, when everyone was done, they cleaned up their snack stuff without being told. The one low point with the girls, was Ella's little attitude. At one point she told the other girls that she could do whatever she wanted because her mom is the leader. Remind me to mention that to Delaney. Still after the meeting, Sierra was still on cloud nine (maybe even cloud ten).

So, you may be asking, what could have possibly happened to ruin a little girls day. Here it is. All of this happened on the 15th of October. Why is that important? That is the RSVP day for Sierra's birthday party, and no one had yet to do so. So, I called to see if anyone would be attending. From one mom I got a "well it all depends on what the boys have going on with Scouts" and from Delaney (who is still holding it against me that we didn't attend Ella's party), I got a, "I don't know, it all depends on if I can get out of this thing for "the tree house", I don't think that I'll be able to get out of it though." Needless to say, I had the unpleasant task of telling Sierra that no one would be able to make it to her party and that we would have to call the movie theatre and cancel it. Luckily, I was able to (beg) talk Dee Dee into bringing Hannah by the house on the 3rd of November, so that Sierra will have someone, other than Mommy and Daddy, to celebrate her birthday with. Dee Dee even offered to bring one of her day care kids (who is close to Sierra's age) with her. I still can't forget the look on Sierra's face when I told her that no one was coming. I could literally see her little heart break. It was awful.

And all of this happened on Monday. Yesterday was better. We went to the Girl Scout Express and picked up Sierra's smock and a few patches (her troop number along with a flag patch and a daughter of the leader patch). I just got finished putting all but the flag patch on, she looked so very cute in it. Sorry, but she wouldn't leave it on long enough for a photo, but look for it later, I will get one, and look for more patches as the school year progresses and she earns more.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Happy October!!!!!!!

Even though this month has not started out all that great (for me at least), I have to say that some good things do happen in this month.
For starters, birthdays. I want to wish everyone born in October a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! In my family that includes my nephew Zach (10-3), my wonderful husband, Mark (10-4), my crazy Uncle David (10-7), my Uncle Carl (10-13), my sis Diana (Dee Dee) and my cousin Monica (10-15), my big sis Missie and Monica's little girl (don't know her name) (10-22), and lastly my cousin's little girl Haley (10-28).
I mentioned that this month has not been very good for me, well here is the Reader's Digest version. One week ago tomorrow, I was told that my sister Missie had 30 days to live. Spent a long time crying my eyes out. I also spent a lot of time trying to help her to find transportation and who her father is. While trying to do all of this, I still had Girl Scouts to deal with and I got a phone call from my dad (who never calls anyone). He called to tell me that my Grandma Bea is dying. I don't have to tell you what that did to my stress level.
When then get a tornado watch (warning, whatever), while I am in the shower, Sierra and Mark actually saw one form a few hundred feet from our front door. We are all fine. ;) I also got another phone call from Missie, good news this time. Even though she was told that she had cancer 6 months ago, it has not spread. The specialist that they called in will be able to take care of it with 1 surgery and 1 laser zap, then 8 rounds of radiation. She will still have to do follow ups, but she should be around to see her 15 year old (the youngest) graduate from high school.
I still have not heard from my dad, a second time, so it only stands to reason that Grandma is still alive and kicking. Let's hope anyway.

Friend To Friend Reminder

The women of NewsChannel 5 would like to remind you and a friend to perform your monthly breast self examination on the 5th of every month.
October is breast cancer awareness month and it's time to take control of your breast health.
Be aware.
The greatest risk factors for breast cancer are being female and growing older
1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.
Breast cancer knows no gender, geographic or social boundaries.
Take action.
The key to survival is early detection.
Three simple steps for early detection are regular mammograms, clinical exams and breast self-exams.
Make healthy lifestyle choices. They make a difference.
What is your risk? Find out and get educated in the process. Take a quiz and test your breast health knowledge at
Komen is hoping to raise 10-million dollars through this program which will help support the Komen research awards. Komen St. Louis would also get a portion of the money raised. For more information, visit
Thank you for subscribing to the NewsChannel 5 Friend to Friend monthly e-mail reminders. Visit our Friend to Friend page for more information on breast cancer.
If you've never performed a self-examination, or it's been a while since you have, review our online breast self-exam for helpful tips and information.
Call (314) 721-2900 to receive your free Friend-to-Friend packet.
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