Thursday, October 25, 2007

Mommy Brain

This was not funny last night, but, looking back, it's funny now. Poor Mark was sooooo tired from work, but he still had agreed to take Sierra-Lynn and I to Wentzville to pick up some things off of the Girl Scout Express. Only, I ended up with a bad case of "Mommy Brain". I could have sworn that it was in Wentzville, but has it turns out, last night it was in O'Fallen, it will be in Wentzville on Monday. We drove all over trying to find it and I still feel bad about getting the day wrong, but what can you do?

Have I mentioned lately how smart my baby is? And no, this time I am not referring to Sierra-Lynn, I am taking about Jackson. Mark put his head on my tummy last night and said "Daddy is right here." And he tapped where his head was. The next thing I know Jackson moves from one side of my stomach to the other so that he could cuddle with daddy. It was so cute.

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