Friday, October 5, 2007

Happy October!!!!!!!

Even though this month has not started out all that great (for me at least), I have to say that some good things do happen in this month.
For starters, birthdays. I want to wish everyone born in October a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! In my family that includes my nephew Zach (10-3), my wonderful husband, Mark (10-4), my crazy Uncle David (10-7), my Uncle Carl (10-13), my sis Diana (Dee Dee) and my cousin Monica (10-15), my big sis Missie and Monica's little girl (don't know her name) (10-22), and lastly my cousin's little girl Haley (10-28).
I mentioned that this month has not been very good for me, well here is the Reader's Digest version. One week ago tomorrow, I was told that my sister Missie had 30 days to live. Spent a long time crying my eyes out. I also spent a lot of time trying to help her to find transportation and who her father is. While trying to do all of this, I still had Girl Scouts to deal with and I got a phone call from my dad (who never calls anyone). He called to tell me that my Grandma Bea is dying. I don't have to tell you what that did to my stress level.
When then get a tornado watch (warning, whatever), while I am in the shower, Sierra and Mark actually saw one form a few hundred feet from our front door. We are all fine. ;) I also got another phone call from Missie, good news this time. Even though she was told that she had cancer 6 months ago, it has not spread. The specialist that they called in will be able to take care of it with 1 surgery and 1 laser zap, then 8 rounds of radiation. She will still have to do follow ups, but she should be around to see her 15 year old (the youngest) graduate from high school.
I still have not heard from my dad, a second time, so it only stands to reason that Grandma is still alive and kicking. Let's hope anyway.

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