Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Girl Scouting and Soooooooo Much More!!!

Where to begin on how Sierra-Lynn's week has went! It started out really well, she was so excited about being able to have a honey bun cake at her birthday party, because Aunt Dee Dee wasn't going to bring Hannah to the party. She thought that touring a movie theatre was a tad to advanced for a 2 1/2 year old. So, my baby starts coming up with a list of things that she wanted to serve at her party (not that she was by any means getting even half of them). So, it's safe to say that on the way to her Girl Scout meeting, she was as happy as a clam.

The meeting went pretty well. Delaney did manage to tick off a few of the parents, by treating them as if they were little kids and talking down to them. The girls, on the other hand, were excellent. The sat at a table just a few feet from where all of the parents were and worked on a page for their scrapbooks (I don't personally like the idea of the scrapbooks, but as a co-leader whose leader won't talk about anything with, I don't see that I really have a choice except to do what Miss High and Mighty Delaney wants. Any who, all of the girls did great, when I told them that we needed to start cleaning up so that we could have snack, they did just that (minus a few little pieces of paper that had fallen to the floor). Mark made the juice and Sierra handed out the cheese crackers. Then, when everyone was done, they cleaned up their snack stuff without being told. The one low point with the girls, was Ella's little attitude. At one point she told the other girls that she could do whatever she wanted because her mom is the leader. Remind me to mention that to Delaney. Still after the meeting, Sierra was still on cloud nine (maybe even cloud ten).

So, you may be asking, what could have possibly happened to ruin a little girls day. Here it is. All of this happened on the 15th of October. Why is that important? That is the RSVP day for Sierra's birthday party, and no one had yet to do so. So, I called to see if anyone would be attending. From one mom I got a "well it all depends on what the boys have going on with Scouts" and from Delaney (who is still holding it against me that we didn't attend Ella's party), I got a, "I don't know, it all depends on if I can get out of this thing for "the tree house", I don't think that I'll be able to get out of it though." Needless to say, I had the unpleasant task of telling Sierra that no one would be able to make it to her party and that we would have to call the movie theatre and cancel it. Luckily, I was able to (beg) talk Dee Dee into bringing Hannah by the house on the 3rd of November, so that Sierra will have someone, other than Mommy and Daddy, to celebrate her birthday with. Dee Dee even offered to bring one of her day care kids (who is close to Sierra's age) with her. I still can't forget the look on Sierra's face when I told her that no one was coming. I could literally see her little heart break. It was awful.

And all of this happened on Monday. Yesterday was better. We went to the Girl Scout Express and picked up Sierra's smock and a few patches (her troop number along with a flag patch and a daughter of the leader patch). I just got finished putting all but the flag patch on, she looked so very cute in it. Sorry, but she wouldn't leave it on long enough for a photo, but look for it later, I will get one, and look for more patches as the school year progresses and she earns more.

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