Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Soooooo Sleepy!!!

Don't get me wrong I love both of my kids, but they BOTH need to learn how to sleep. If Jackson is asleep, then Sierra-Lynn is awake and vise versa.

I don't seem to have the time to do anything, although this past weekend we were able to find the time for me and Sierra-Lynn to both get our haircut. You can't really tell that Sierra-Lynn's was cut, except for her bangs, they finally look good. ;) I'm debating whether or not to trim Jackson's hair (quite a bit). He is 7 weeks old and has a comb over. He has lost all of his hair from his ears forward. The poor baby.
I have started a web page all about him, his milestones, fun facts, photos and the like. When I get it farther along, I'll get you the URL. I wanted to do one for Sierra-Lynn as well but the birth year only went back to 2005. I plan on teaching her to maneuver the net and let her create her own web page, that may take a while though, but I think that she will have a lot of fun.

Friday, January 18, 2008

More Good News (Kind Of).

I went to the foot doctor this past Tuesday and the good news is, I didn't break anything when I fell 8 weeks ago. The bad news, without an MRI, there is no way to tell what I did to my foot and my insurance won't cover it. Oh well, I'm 27 1/2 years old and have never broken a bone. How many people can say that?
Sierra-Lynn has decided to drop Girl Scouts. We have not had a meeting since the first Monday in December and can't have anymore until the leader gets off her high horse and has a meeting with the co-leader and two higher ups (in Girl Scouts). She has no intention of doing that, as she is not speaking to the co-leader, or myself. I would have liked for Sierra-Lynn to remain a Girl Scout, but I'm not going to force her to do something that she is not enjoying. She cried all the time because we didn't have a meeting. I looked into dance for her and am checking into martial arts. Dance doesn't start until September, I kind of want something sooner than that.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Good News

Mark got a promotion.
See not everything is about the kids.
Starting Saturday, Mark will be a support manager over tire lube express. The only drawback is he will be working on the weekends (Thursdays and Fridays off). It's also mid shift, happy happy joy joy. It kind of puts a damper on Girl Scout meetings, but there may not be anymore of those anyway. Pam has to have a meeting with Chrissy (co-leader), Donna (neighborhood chair), and Connie (register). Until that happens, no meetings.
It also ends family dinners, I'm not going to make Sierra-Lynn wait until nearly 9 p.m. to have dinner. And the only way that we will be able to take walks after dinner is just me and the kiddos. Soon I won't even be able to get Tori and her kids to go with us. She just told me today that they are going to move to Troy. I wasn't depressed before, but am slowly getting that way.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

My Little Water Bug!

I am SOOOO very tired. Just a word of advise, don't rearrange your kids room when you have a one month old in the house. I swear if the child messes it up again I'm going in with a trash bag and getting rid of everything that is on the floor. On top of that, I still had laundry, dishes and Jackson and Sierra-Lynn (Mark and I tag teamed the kids).
Holding his own bottle (last week)
That said, I am SOOO proud of Sierra-Lynn. Earlier today, she picked up the funny papers from this weeks paper and started reading them. She asked me for help on the really long words, but she read some of it on her own. I asked her how it felt to be able to read it, and she just beamed. Tomorrow we are going to start working on the solar system (she loves all things science). Should be fun, I'm not all that into science, but Mark is busy right now; inventory prep, bletch. As for my little water bug, I thought that you might like to see a picture of him in the water, his favorite place in the world. (He hates Wal*Mart.)Two more days and I can not only get my ingrown toenail taken care of, but (hopefully) will find out what I did to my foot (8 weeks Monday). I am so sick of being in pain and not having anything help. On the plus side, everything is looking good; from having Jackson. Now my only problem is picking a birth control. I am too scatter brained for anything that has to be taken daily. The one that I thought about using will drive me crazy. It goes in your arm and last for three years, then it must be removed. The draw back, you can feel it. When I get a pimple on my arm, I pick at it constantly, so I know that that would make me nuts. If anyone has any ideas, I'm open to them.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The good, the bad, and the ugly.

The last two days have been filled with some very good news. Next Tuesday, I have an appointment with a foot doctor to take care of an ingrown toenail, I will also be able to find out what I did to my foot 7 weeks ago. Hopefully it is something that will heal quickly (with minimal time and problems), so that I can start working out.

More good news, Jackson is up to 10 lbs 6 oz. Mark and I are giddy. He also has the same issue with his eyes that Sierra-Lynn did. He starts his eye drops tomorrow, and here's hopeing that they work for him so that he doesn't have to have surgery like Sierra-Lynn did. His bump is less than half the size that it was before, so no surgery on that either.
Sierra-Lynn's doctor visit wasn't has good. She has an infection in her ear lobes caused by not taking care of them. The prescription: no earrings for at least three weeks, wash daily with soap and water, and A&D ointment 3 times a day for a week. As if I don't have enough to do.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

He's got me.

We have a new blogger tonight, Jackson. He decided to visit mommy at the computer. It is so hard to believe that he is almost 4 weeks old. He is getting so big and cuter every day. He is losing his hair, just a little as of right now, but it is thinning. It has also gotten lighter, it was jet black now it is reddish brown. His eyes are a slightly darker shade of grey blue than daddy's, just gorgeous.

Sierra-Lynn has been reading to him, with minimal help from mommy. It is so sweet. She loves holding him and feeding him. Today we all went for a family walk around the neighborhood, it was over 70 degrees. It was nice, my foot however disagrees. ;)

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

27 1/2

Six months and counting until I turn 28. Where has the time gone?

I think that Mark and I have finally figured out how to manage two kids, without going completely crazy. Now if only I can start to feel better. I am so cold and cannot get warm no matter what I do. Last night, I had on sweat pants, socks, a sweat shirt and was under a heavy blanket and was still freezing. To top that off, my foot has been killing me the last few days. I think that the swelling is even starting to come back. Hopefully someone at my insurance company can find me an orthopedic doctor, and soon, I don't know how much longer I can deal with it.