Sunday, November 30, 2008

Eleven Days And Counting!

I am so tired, first there was the all day trip to my sister-in-laws house for birthday/Thanksgiving/Christmas on Thursday, fun but tiring. I would post photos, but my camera died, I forgot to bring extra batteries, and the batteries that I got from my sis-in-law took a grand total of one picture before they too crapped out. It was so cute watching Jackson pull his dinosaurs out of their gift bags and kiss and hug them. Sierra-Lynn's day was also made, she wanted Guess who extra and connect 4 and got them both, now she doesn't know what to ask Santa for.
Then there was getting up at 4:15 a.m. for early morning shopping on Friday. And lastly, we have Jackson getting up at 3:30 a.m. this morning and refusing to go back to sleep. He wouldn't even play quietly, nope, not my sweet little pain in the ***. He screamed every 15 to 30 minutes, thus ensuring that Mark and I would not get any sleep. How do I get this to stop? He used to sleep through the night, why doesn't he now?

Anyway, Jackson will be turning 1 in 11 days, I have nothing finalized. Not that I was planning much, but I don't even know what kind of cake I am making, man I am behind. So far we have invited my little brother Joey, his dad (my step dad) and his wife and 2 girls, and one of Jackson's baby friends. I know that Jackson's friend will be there, but as for the rest of them, I'm not so sure. Hopefully I get confirmations, so I know how much to make for lunch. We will probably just do sandwiches anyway (quick and easy) or maybe tacos, those are always good.
Till later, I hope that all had a good Thanksgiving and I will post again in a few days.

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