Friday, November 21, 2008

Hot Tub Anyone!

Today has been one of those days. It was a co-op day, so it was automatically going to be long.

Jackson decided this morning that he was going to do everything within his power to hurt himself. He tried to throw himself head first from his highchair during breakfast. At co-op he climbed up on the kid sized picnic table and fell off, getting a gooseegg and a rug burn on his forehead, his nose is bruised too. He then preceeded to slam his little fingers in the cabinets, and got a cheese craker stuck in his throat and threw up all over everywhere.

Sierra-Lynn got to use a hammer in arts and crafts, they made "jingle sticks". It's a stick that looks like you would use has a sling shot and has metal bottle caps strung on a wire between the twigs. She decorated it with lots of ribbon. I can't believe the teacher was brave enough to give 5 to 8 year olds hammers, she's braver than I.

I, on the other hand, hurt my left knee again. I have had a problem with it since I was eleven and the car I was in ran over my leg to the knee. All I did today was straighten it and SNAP, SNAP, POP!

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