Thursday, December 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Jackson!!!!!!!

Today my little man turned one. In the last few weeks he has learned to walk, he is even good at walking in shoes.
This morning we all went into his room and sang "happy birthday", then we had breakfast. He got to eat his very first doughnut. He was so cute, he kept going "mmmmmmm" and "yum". I think he is finally ready to give up baby food, which works for me. Although I have to find a home for the baby food that we still have. He is also working on giving up his bottles. Today, instead of 3 bottles, he only had one. I guess that's what happens when you start every meal with a sippy cup. He is also working on using real cups. He got this really cute dinosaur one from his aunt and he loves to drink water out of it (he ends up wearing has much as he drinks). ;P
For dinner we had Chinese, he loved it. The waitresses brought him a little piece of orange cake flanked by jello (north and south) and apricots (east and west). He thought the jello was cool because it bounced and he got more of the cake on the floor than he ate, but it was so very cute. Unfortunately we didn't have the camera, so no photos.
Sierra-Lynn spent a good chunk of last night making Jackson a birthday card. It's a robot complete with arms, she even signed it. When she gave it to him, he smiled and his face lit up and he pulled her and gave her a big hug and a sloppy kiss on her cheek.
Come back on Sunday (maybe Saturday) for pictures of his birthday party. Til then, be well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The desserts at your chinese restaurant sound better than the ones at ours!!! Can't wait to see pics of the party!