Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Baby Shower Part 2

I'm sorry that I have no photos today, maybe tomorrow (barring that no is offended by this posting and my stress level goes back to normal).

I just wanted to let everyone know that I am very grateful for everything that I received at my shower and by everyone who was able to attend. The clothes that Jackson got were very adorable, some of it was stuff that I would never have thought about, but very nice. The bottles will be used many many times. I apologize that I do not have the time (nor the patience) to list every item individually. I just wanted everyone to know that just because I mentioned a few items in my last post individually, everything was and is appreciated.
I also want to say that nothing posted is meant to make anyone feel bad or unappreciated, if my some chance something makes you feel that way, then I am sorry, but it was not my intention. This is also a place that I use for venting and to let those that are not able to be in my life on a daily basis to get some insight. If, for some reason, you read something that you don't like, post a comment. Or don't read it, that is entirely your call.
I can only make a few people happy a day and today those people are my husband and children. Guess what, tomorrow looks the same.

Monday, July 30, 2007

The Baby Shower!

Even though I felt like pooh this weekend, I still went to Dee Dee's for "lunch". I found out from Mark that morning that it was really the shower. I was fun, but I felt awful. I had not slept for about 3 days and was having trouble breathing.
I do have to say that it was much better than my last baby shower. At Sierra-Lynn's the only person to show up was my mother-in-law and she came with me. At Jackson's there were (counting kids [8]) 18 people. We got a ton of clothes for Jackson, the diaper bag that I wanted, toys galore and a beautiful handmade blanket.
I loved this blanket when I saw it back on Memorial Day. It was made by by friend Tori's sister Tisha, not only did she sew it, but the picture on the front was painted by hand. I think that her and I need to go into business together. She can make the blankets and I'll make the clothes and other stuff for kids.

We also got bottles, a bottle brush, some baby food, bibs, and free advice on how to care for the most tender part of a boy. I just wish that Dee Dee would have given everyone more time so that some of the people that I really wanted there could have been there. My sister Kimmy, my friend Juli, my Aunt Karen and Missie and kids. Not that all of the time in the world would have gotten Missie there, she has disconnected her phone again so no one has a way to get a hold of her. The next call that I get from any of them, will probably be a funeral notice.
I will post more photos tomorrow, right now it is dinner time. Bye all!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

She's Here!!!!!!!!!

Last night, Mark, Sierra-Lynn and I the privilege of meeting the newest member of the Schneider family. Her name is Isabelle Nicole Schneider and she made her debut on July 24, 2007 at 2:55 p.m. She weighed 8 lbs and 8 ozs and was 20 1/2 inches long. I think that she looks like her daddy, but hopefully she will grow out of that.
I (of course) was an idiot and forgot to bring my camera, so I don't have a photo to post. My bad.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Not My Week

Last week was the week from hell. I mean, it wasn't all bad.

On Wednesday, Sierra-Lynn, Delaney, Ella and myself went to the pool. First, we had to wait almost an hour to get in because someone had thrown up in the pool before we got there and they had to clean (we were told that it would take 30 minutes tops). To make matters worse, when we did finally get in to the pool area, they still hadn't gotten it cleaned, but at least we got to use the sprinkle part of it. Sierra-Lynn and Ella had a blast, I thought that I was going to have to get a crane to get Delaney off of the ground (she was due on Monday, no baby yet).

We finally get in the pool and Sierra-Lynn damn near drowns me, don't ask me why the child is terrified of water. Thankfully she got over it and started venturing out on her own, but only where she could touch.

Wednesday night I realize that I should have put sunscreen on myself. I did something that I never used to do, I burned.

Thursday morning Delaney, Ella, Sierra-Lynn and I went to play group (water play group). This time I remembered the sunscreen for myself (as well as Sierra-Lynn who always gets it). It was such a blast watching Sierra-Lynn and Ella play. Of course it was mentioned that Ella is going to start taking ballet and now Sierra-Lynn wants that more than anything. We have been reading "My Pretty Ballerina" books and she has been dancing around the house like a ballerina ever since. If only we had the money for it. Well, there is always next year. We might try out the summer program and see how well she likes it.

Any who! Thursday afternoon, Sierra-Lynn asks if we can go for a walk. I need the exercise so I think "what the hay? why not?" And off we go. We don't even make it to the corner when we are turning around and getting home as fast as we can. I had been stung by a wasp (to which I am slightly allergic).

Friday the weather was beautiful all day, but I didn't want to deal with any more wasps (corporate came out on Wednesday and stirred up a nest of them in my yard). After Mark got home we did go outside though (all of us) and played kick ball/soccer. Sierra-Lynn wouldn't stop picking it up. She had so much fun because daddy played outside with her.
Sunday was a great day. We went to the outdoor flee market in Wentzville, where we found a wagon for Sierra-Lynn for $10. I also found something that (if the guy is back the next time that we go) I am going to get for Hannah for Christmas. (You want to keep the day and time of the baby shower secret, I can keep this secret.) After Sierra-Lynn's nap, I pulled out our swords and let Mark and Sierra-Lynn have at it. I was going to stay out of it, but the fun pulled me in and Mark and I started sword fighting. He decides to run into the bathroom, where he ended up hitting the edge of the door with his hand. He now has his pinkie in a finger splint.

Turn in Monday for updates on this upcoming weekend. Friday I have a doctor's appointment. Saturday, we are having lunch with Dee Dee and family, and Becky and family. Then, Sunday, we are going to Becky's father-in-law's house for a BBQ, should be fun.

My baby girl, on her favorite toy (of the moment).

Sunday, July 15, 2007

I'm Sleepy

Yes, I am aware that pregnancy can cause tiredness, but that is not the reason. No, yesterday Mark, Sierra-Lynn and I all got up at (like) 4:45 a.m. We ran all over creation (yard sales, Wal-Mart, the library, 4 Doors Down). The library was closed when we got there, are reason for going to Wal-Mart was broke (we redid the registry today, it was down yesterday).
Today, Mark let me sleep until almost 9, it was great, but then we started rearranging the house. We are not completely done with it, but it will suffice until next week sometime, because my feet feel like I have been walking around on broken glass.
I also have been trying to keep up with 2 blogs and 2 email addresses (one is the one I use all of the time and have given to those that I want to talk to, the other is where recipes are sent, among other junk). My second email had not been checked since the beginning of July and had 152 unread messages (most for the Hi-5 message board). I must remind Mark to take me off of that thing. I also posted 16 (I think) posts on http://mom-2-mom.blogspot.com. Give it a look if you get time, some of it was pretty interesting.

Friday, July 13, 2007

It's A .....

Like I would tell you in the title. Mark and I found out yesterday that our Christmas baby will be Jackson Alexander Bennett, a little boy. I hope that all of you out there that said the baby would be a boy are happy.

In other news, the same punk kid that has been giving us trouble, decided that (the night before last) he was going to put a firecracker under our truck and light it. A real sweet heart isn't he?

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Welcome July

Sierra and Ella (BFFL)

Miss Mara (Tegin wasn't there) :(

So far, I don't really know what to say about this month. The parade was fun. Sierra got more candy than she will eat in a year, she also got to spend time with Ella. Those two are little hams when they get together. One week from today Miss Ella turns 5 and Sierra can't wait until Sunday when she gets to go to Ella's party. Mara, Ella's cousin, was also there. I can't believe how much that little girl has grown since I last saw her (she looked really cute in the dress that I made her).
Sierra and one of the "Big Dogs" (Mark took this one)

After the parade it was time for BBQ, Mark can grill with the best of them (if I do say so myself). Then there was the teenage punk who was throwing lit bottle rockets at the truck and the late night that that brought. We finally crawled into bed at about 10:15, only to be woke up by our car alarm going off and 10:45, which of course led to calling the police out (not that they did anything).

Needless to say, I spent all of yesterday wanting to do nothing but sleep. Mark did stay home, but I would have preferred a nice quite night and a day of play with Sierra, but whatever. I did get a call from my niece Megan and nephew Danny, which unexpected but nice.

Last night was another night of that punk kid throwing fireworks at the truck (as well as some of the other neighbors houses. Is it wrong to hope that he pisses off the wacko, Mindy, from across the street?