Saturday, October 20, 2007

Good-Bye Troop 4921

I have completely had it with Delaney, and am about to call it quits with Girl Scouts all together.

Thursday night, Delaney and I had a Daisy leader class, to which she showed up 30 minutes late. She then jumped down my throat every time that I said anything. If she wasn't bitching me out for one thing or another, she was rolling her eyes at my suggestions for the troop. By the time that I got home (she drove me), I was having chest pains, my left arm was throbbing, I was shaking like a leaf and I was seeing little white lights dance in front of my eyes. On top of that I had major pains in my abdomen and got about 3 1/2 hours of broken sleep the whole night. Yesterday was spent trying to get Sierra-Lynn into a different troop, one with a leader that isn't a tyrant. One that lets the parents and most importantly, the girls have some say in what they do.


Anonymous said...

She sounds lovely. Don't let people like her get to you--your health is WAY more important! She probably just needs a good roundhouse kick in the head--I volunteer for delivering it to her =:D

Buffie said...

Sounds like a plan to me. When can I expect you up here?